Tuesday, 11/04/08
Warm Up. Click and Copy.
  1. The rubric gives the _________ for grading your projects.  a) tradition  b) element  c) emphasis  d) criteria  e) concentrate
  2. One of the goals of the US Constitution is to "...________ the general welfare..." of the people.  a) approximate  b) framework  c) institute  d) despite  e) promote
  3. The _____ of your project should be on showing your knowledge of the book.  a) criteria  b) framework  c) emphasis  d) adequate  e) dimension
  4. We need to know the __________(s) of your room, so we know how much paint to buy.  a) criteria  b) dimension  c) emphasis  d) emerge  e) tradition
  5. Her cat was her __________ companion; he never left her side.  a) promote  b) constant  c) hence  d) tradition  e) adequate
  6. Many people ____________ money with happiness.  a) emphasis  b) promote  c) attribute  d) dimension  e) equate
Correct 1/2 of Pink Sheet. 
FRO Pretest I. Click in these numbers from your pink sheet:

2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11

The Giver - Q and A
Chapter 6-7 Quiz.

  1. What distinguishes the Sevens from the younger kids?  a) They have bicycles  b) They have to volunteer in the Community.  c) Their jackets button down the front.  d) They get haircuts.  e) NOTA
  2. This, in this community, was the first sign of independence.  a) True  b) False
  3. Gabriel has been scheduled for release because he has been labeled Uncertain.  a) True  b) False
  4. If a young child dies, he is replaced by one with the same name.  a) True  b) False
  5. When the elders match spouses, which of these factors is not taken into account?  a) intelligence  b) disposition  c) aptitude  d) physical characteristics  e) All are taken into account.
  6. If you don't fit in with the Community, you can apply to leave.  a) True  b) False
  7. Which of these does not happen during the yearly Ceremonies in the Community?  a) Names are given to newchildren.  b) Assignments are given.  c) The Nines get their bikes.  d) The Inadequate newchildren are released.  e) All happen at the Ceremonies.
  8. Once you're a Twelve, you're considered an adult in the Community.  a) True  b) False
  9. When parents want to show special affection for a child, they call him/her by number instead of name.  a) True  b) False
  10. Why did the Chief Elder make a joke about chastising Asher's old teacher?  a) Because the teacher was much like Asher.  b) Because that teacher had been released.  c) Because Asher still doesn't speak properly.  d) Because all the students of that teacher are like Asher.  e) NOTA
  11. What does the Chief Elder say about the future Twelves' differences in her speech? a) Nothing; it's considered rude to mention differences.  b) The differences have determined the futures of the future Twelves.  c) The differences have stood out more than in previous groups.  d) The differences still need to become sameness.  e) NOTA
  12. What is the punishment used for small children?  a) time out  b) comfort object taken away  c) reduced food  d) discipline wand  e) There is no actual punishment, just chastisement.
  13. Why was Asher punished as a Three?  a) He was rude.  b) He didn't pay attention.  c) He literally asked for it.  d) He failed several tests.  e) NOTA
  14. Because he is still so much like them, Asher is given the assignment as Instructor of Threes.  a) True  b) False
  15. Jonas is very disappointed in the Assignment he is given at the end of Chapter 7. a) True  b) False


The Giver aloud.