Wednesday, 10/05/08
Warm Up. Click and Copy.
  1. When you pronounce this word, make sure to put the _____ on the first syllable.  a) framework  b) emphasis  c) criteria  d) approximate  e) attribute
  2. It hasn't been long enough since the new homework policy was ______(ed) to see if it works yet. a) confer  b) promote  c) emphasis  d) attribute  e) institute
  3. The band went on tour to ____ their new album.  a) emphasis  b) contrast  c) emerge  d) promote  e) equate
  4. Don't work it out exactly, just try to _____ an answer.  a) approximate  b) equate  c) concentrate  d) promote  e) institute
  5. Since the poison was so _____(ed), it only took a tiny bit to kill.  a) equate  b) emphasis  c) attribute  d) promote  e) concentrate
  6. His brother's _____ whistling finally drove him crazy.  a) approximate  b) constant  c) emphasis  d) tradition  e) dimension


Fragments and Run-Ons II. Click only.

  1. The largest desert in the world!  a) Fragment (F)  b) Run-On  (RO) c) Complete Sentence (CS)
  2. Up the mountain we trudged.   a) Fragment (F)  b) Run-On  (RO) c) Complete Sentence (CS)
  3. Kids everywhere like to eat candy, and adults eat candy too.  a) Fragment (F)  b) Run-On  (RO) c) Complete Sentence (CS)
  4. Explained the rules of the game. a) Fragment (F)  b) Run-On  (RO) c) Complete Sentence (CS)
  5. On his back, the bug wriggled his little legs.  a) Fragment (F)  b) Run-On  (RO) c) Complete Sentence (CS)
  6. Chief Wiggum, the doughnut-eater.  a) Fragment (F)  b) Run-On  (RO) c) Complete Sentence (CS)
  7. One way to fix a run-on is with a comma plus a conjunction, such as the word and.  a) True  b) False
  8. One way to fix a run-on is with a semi-colon.  a) True  b) False


Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. You will use words more than once. You will not use them all. Click only.

  1. Loudog, because he's getting mighty old, spend his days ________(ly) dozing in the sun.  A. Languid  B. Frazzle  C. Meticulous  D. Solace  E. Permeate
  2. After a long, busy day at work, Mr. McWhiner often comes home ________(ed).  A. Admonish   B. Assuage  C. Assimilate  D. Frazzle  E. Solace
  3. The Elders are very _________ about choosing the new receiver.   A. Permeate  B. Solace  C. Dejected  D. Distend  E. Meticulous
  4. People in the Community who can't or won't __________, can ask for release. Perhaps they would fit in better Elsewhere.    A. Assimilate  B. Frazzle  C. Languid  D. Solace  E. Admonish
  5. There was no way to _____ the grief he felt after his dad died.  A. Distend  B. Assimilate  C. Assuage  D. Admonish  E. Permeate
  6. When Mr. Ingrate opened his last gift and saw that it was not the skateboard he’d asked for, he became very _____.  A. Distend  B. Frazzle  C. Permeate  D. Dejected  E. Languid
  7. When your sadness is __________(ed), your soul has found ________. (Awww.)  A. Languid, Assuage   B. Solace, Assuage  C. Assuage, Solace  D. Frazzle, Distend  E. Distend, Assimilate
  8. The light in the room didn't seem to come from any one source; it just sort of ________(ed)  the walls, casting a soft glow.  A. Frazzle  B. Permeate  C. Solace  D. Admonish  E. Distend
  9. To chastise is to _________.  A. Admonish  B. Frazzle  C. Solace  D. Languid  E. Dejected
  10. The goal of immigrants used to be __________(ion), but these days people seem to like to emphasize their differences.  A. Distend  B. Solace  C. Dejected  D. Meticulous  E. Assimilate
  11. Mr. Coward's student assistants are not happy about Jhonny's less than ___________ papers. They are very difficult to decipher.  A. Distend  B. Solace  C. Languid    D. Meticulous   E. Assimilate

The Giver, chapters 8/9.

  1. Why does the Chief Elder apologize to the community?   A. She caused them anxiety.   B. She has no assignment for Jonas.   C. She forgot Jonas.   D. She made a mistake.  E. NOTA
  2. Why does the Committee of Elders continue to observe Twelves during their training?   A. To make sure the one assigned will continue to develop every necessary attribute.   B. It’s in the rules.  C. To make sure the one assigned doesn’t break the rules.   D. To make sure the one assigned is never alone or apart from the community.   E. All of the above
  3. The most honored job in the community is the Receiver of Memory. A. True   B. False
  4. Which of the following qualities does the Chief Elder say Jonas does not yet possess?  A. Intelligence.   B. Integrity.   C. Courage.   D. Wisdom.   E. She says he has them all.
  5. Which attribute is the Chief Elder unable to describe because she does not understand it?  A. Intelligence.   B. Integrity.   C. Courage.   D. Wisdom.  E. NOTA
  6. Why is the Chief Elder unable to prepare Jonas for the pain he will experience? A. It is against the rules.   B. The Receiver of Memory asked her not to.   C. She has not experienced it.   D. She doesn’t want to scare him.    E. All of the above.
  7. What makes Jonas feel a “tiny sliver of sureness for the first time”?  A. He is not afraid.    B. He has already experienced pain.   C. The crowd changed like the apple.    D. The Chief Elder has confidence in him.    E. All of the above.
  8. Jonas does not feel separate and different yet because the training has not started. A. True   B. False
  9. Jonas's parents are proud of his selection as Receiver.  a) True  b) False.
  10. When a name is never used again, it means the last person to have that name was so great, the name is not used any more out of honor for that person.  a) True  b) False
  11. What stuns Jonas so much about the instructions he is given?   A. There is only a single printed sheet.   B. There is no time for recreation.   C. He can lie.   D. He can be rude.   E. All of the above.
  12. Since Jonas's training involves pain, he has special access to pain medication.  a) True  b) False
  13. Why does the final rule unnerve Jonas so much?   A. Because it’s different.   B. Because it promises pain.   C. Because he doesn’t understand it.   D. Because he realizes he has no way of knowing the truth.    E. NOTA