Thursday, 11/6/08  - Tomorrow's Test: AWVFROG
Warm Up. Copy (1-8) and Click. (Or vice versa.)
  1. Her _______ of life is, "Live, and let live."  a) criteria  b) philosophy  c) attribute  d) tradition  e) promote
  2. He _______(ed) his success to listening to his seventh grade English teacher.  a) promote  b) contrast  c) institute  d) concentrate  e) attribute
  3. All Ponyboy could see at first were the __________(s) between his life and Cherry's.  a) attribute  b) framework  c) tradition  d) contrast  e) dimension
  4. If you don't wear _____ clothing, you will get cold.  a) attribute  b) concentrate  c) element  d) adequate  e) constant
  5. His lab is on the cutting edge of ___________(ing) technology.  a) emerge  b) hence  c) tradition  d) equate  e) contrast
  6. You will thank me, three years __________. a) promote  b) hence  c) emerge  d) approximate  e) tradition
  7. relieve : assuage :: absorb : _______  a) solace  b) assimilate  c) frazzle  d) petulant  e) permeate
  8. width : dimension :: wisdom : ________  a) attribute  b) framework  c) tradition  d) emphasis  e) institute
  9. The idea of America as the "melting pot" means... a) that America is a place where people from many cultures can come and still be Russian or Irish or whatever. b) that America is a place where people from many cultures come and become "Americans." c) that America is a place where people from many cultures can come and have their own sections of cities and neighborhoods.  d) a and c. e) none of the above.
  10. Which of the following words is associated with the "melting pot" concept?  a) attribute  b) framework  c) tradition  d) assimilate  e) institution


FRO - Round  III. 22/25 OR 10/10 today.

  1. There are shells all over the beach, so let's collect some!  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  2. Johnny and Pony ran as the Soc chased them.  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  3. That's the largest desert in the world!  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  4. Not many people, except those in the desert.  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  5. The dry desert soil, and hardly any water.  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  6. Months may pass between rainfalls, but when storms do occur, they may be violent.  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  7. I wanted to go trick-or-treating, I was too old. a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  8. Into the hole he fell.  a) Fragment   b) Run-On   c) Complete Sentence
  9. One way to fix a run-on is with a comma.  a) True  b) False
  10. One way to fix a run-on is with a semi-colon.  a) True  b) False


The Giver. (10/11)

  1. What was Jonas's first surprise when he arrived for his first day of training?  a) That the Receiver had a secretary.  b) That the door had a buzzer.  c) That the attendant stood when Jonas came in.  d) That the attendant was so young.  e) NOTA
  2. Why are The Receiver’s doors locked?  a) To insure privacy.   b)  To protect him.  c)  To make sure no one breaks in and steals his things.  d)  Because he does "inappropriate" things.  e)  NOTA
  3. What is the most conspicuous difference between The Receiver’s dwelling and Jonas’s own dwelling?  a)  The bed.  b)  The thick, luxurious fabrics.  c)  The curved table legs.  d)  The ceiling.  e)  The books.
  4. The Receiver looks so old because he is.  a) True  b) False
  5. The Receiver holds the memories and experiences of almost everyone and everything in the past.  a) True  b) False
  6. Why does Jonas not understand the Receiver's comparison involving a sled?  a) He's too dumb.  b) He has not yet achieved wisdom.  c) It turns out, he doesn't really have the ability to "see beyond."  d) He doesn't know what a sled is.  e) NOTA
  7. Why was Jonas so shocked at the end of chapter 10?  a) He couldn't believe how old the Receiver was.  b) The Receiver told him to to keep their meetings a secret.  c) The Receiver told him to remove his tunic.  d) The Receiver turned off the speaker.  e) NOTA
  8. Which of these memories was not a totally new concept for Jonas?  a) sunshine  b) cold  c) wind  d) hill  e) They were all new to him.
  9. Why was it so exhausting for The Receiver to give Jonas the memory of snow?   a) Because it was his favorite one.  b) Because he is frightened by snow.   c) Because he had to tug it forward from many generations back.   d) Because he’s old and tired.   e)  NOTA
  10. The Receiver says he has _____, but not _____.   a) power, honor   b) honor, knowledge   c) respect, power   d) honor, fun   e) honor, power
  11. When Jonas asks what happened to things like snow, the Receiver calls it...  a) the Warming  b) the Uniting  c) the Institution  d) the Beginning  e) NOTA
  12. What memory does the Receiver transmit to give Jonas an example of pain?  a) Crashing on the sled.  b) Cutting himself.  c) Frostbite.  d) Sunburn.  e) NOTA
  13. Since Jonas is now the Receiver, the former Receiver calls himself The Giver.  a) True  b) False