Monday, 11/13/08. Late Start Schedule.
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. For 1-5, copy the sentence and underline the subject once and the verb/phrase twice. Click in what you underlined.
  1. Did he help the family with the tent?  a) family/help  b) family/did  c) he/help  d) he/did help  e) he/did
  2. There are people in love with the sport of fruitbooting.  a) there/are  b) people/are  c) people/love  d) there/love  e) NOTA
  3. Are you one of them?  a) you/are  b) them/are  c) one/are  d) you/ are one  e) NOTA
  4. Has anyone tried that steep hill?  a) hill/has tried  b) hill/has  b) anyone/tried  d) anyone/has tried  e) NOTA
  5. On his face landed the clumsy skater. a) face/landed  b) on/landed  c) skater/on  d) skater/landed  e) NOTA
  6. Give me a dollar.   The subject of that sentence is the word me.  a) True  b) False
Pretest 3A, also Vocabulary Pretest.
Work on Color Essays.

Outsiders. Aloud to p147. Silently to the end of chapter 10.