Tuesday, 10/21/08
Lolly's! plus Special Guest...Mr. Morton.
Warm Up. Grammar Review One. 10/12+ means tomorrow, you don't have to copy any. (No, you're not exempt yet.)
Copy only the ones with a star* (1-6).
  1. *Adjectives modify (describe) ___________.  a) actions  b) verbs  c) nouns  d) other adjectives  e) All of the above.
  2. *An article, (a, an, the) is always a signal of...   a) an adjective  b) a verb   c) a noun   d) It's not always a signal.
  3. *The word ________ is another name for the main ________ in a sentence.  a) subject/verb  b) predicate/adjective  c) noun/verb  d) predicate/verb  e) noun/predicate
  4. *The word are is a form of the word be.  a) True  b) False
  5. *In English, we use helping verbs to help express different verb tenses.  a) True  b) False
  6. *An imperative sentence... a) is a command  b) is a statement  c) is  a question  d) says, Wow!"  e) NOTA
  7. He made millions paving parks, and putting up parking lots.     a) adjective  b) verb   c) noun   d) NOTA
  8. The running man tripped and fell.  a) adjective  b) verb   c) noun   d) NOTA
  9. Both arms of the body surfer must be extended in front. What is the simple subject?  a) both arms  b) body surfer  c) front  d) arms  e) NOTA
  10. The most common helping verbs are forms of the word...   a) help  b) get  c) seem  d) be  e) of
  11. Did you remember to wear your helmet?  S/V?  a) you/wear  b) helmet/wear  c)  you/remember  d) you/did remember  e) NOTA
  12. Please tell me where Australia is located   a) declarative  b) imperative  c) interrogative  d) exclamatory
  13. Bonus Question (write answer in notebook): The dedication page of The Outsiders says, "For Jimmy."  Who is Jimmy?
Chapter 12.
What is Pony's point in writing all this down?