Monday, 10/27/08 - Late Start Schedule.  Welcome to the Second Quarter!
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. Euphemisms II. Copy and translate each euphemism.
(All are one-word answers.)
  1. "previously owned" = __________
  2. "encore telecast" = _________
  3. "chronologically advanced" = __________
  4. "governmental revenue($) enhancement" = ___________
  5. "intentionally inaccurate statement" = ___________
  6. "maintainance engineer" = ____________
Spelling Pretest #4 (Homonyms)
Click A for correct.
Click B for incorrect. Write correctly.

"Old Glory" p203
"I'd rather be a free man in my grave, than living as a puppet or a slave."  Jimmy Cliff
Agree? Disagree? Why? What would you give up to be free?

Was GranDa right that the flag had no meaning any more?

The Giver.
There will be a reading check quiz every day, preceded by a Q/A session. If there's something you don't understand, WRITE DOWN YOUR QUESTION(S) in your notebook. I will answer them before the quiz. I will not answer questions that are not written in the notebook. BRING YOUR BOOK TO CLASS EVERY DAY! There will also be a Moodle forum set up so you can ask each other questions about the book (optional).

What would a perfect world look like?
How could you have no crime, no unhappiness, no dissatisfaction, no jealousy, no etc?
What things would you have to give up? Would it be worth it?