Thursday, 9/18/08 - Collect AW #1 Sentences.
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
  1. Actions that might be permitted in some _______(s), might not be permitted in others. a) authority  b) method  c) context  d) complex  e) conduct
  2. It was a very _______ financial transaction, understood by only a few.  a) authority  b) evidence  c) context  d) complex  e) feature
  3. He didn't quite grasp the ______ of doing homework regularly.  a) authority  b) consist  c) context  d) complex  e) concept
  4. Ariel was so _______(ed) in her book, she didn't notice class had ended.  a) involve  b) consist  c) context  d) complex  e) significant
  5. The ________ that he was the culprit was very strong, so he was convicted.  a) evidence b) aspect c) structure d) factor  e) benefit
  6. We learned new information that we now have to _________ into our decision. a) method  b) approach  c)factor  d) evidence  e) consist
  7. Which of these was the most common mechanical problem in the Messy Room papers?  a) poor use of commas   b) poor spelling   c) fragments and run-on sentences  d) paragraphing  e) organization


Grammar Pretest. Do not copy.

  1. Zoltan has a lot of basketball savvy.  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective d) NOTA
  2. We retreated from his lair.  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective  d) NOTA
  3. Susie made a great play in the outfield.  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective  d) NOTA
  4. Only _______  have a past, present, and future tense.   a) adjectives  b) verbs   c) nouns   d) NOTA
  5. An article, (a, an, the) is always a signal of a(n)...   a) adjective  b) verb   c) noun   d) It's not always a signal.
  6. Fritz leaped across the pool, and it was a failure.   a) adjective  b) verb   c) noun   d) NOTA
  7. The word were is a form of the word be.  a) True  b) False
  8. An example of a state-of-being type verb would be the word seem.  a) True  b) False
  9. Two-Bit nodded sagely. "Nice  cut, too. Makes you look tough."  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective   d) NOTA
  10. Lenny had to time the race for us with his watch.  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective   d) NOTA


The Outsiders, Chapter 3 Quiz. Open book. Open Mouth?

  1. Cherry at first thinks that the big difference between greasers and Socs is money.  a) True  b) False
  2. When Cherry raves about a river-bottom party to a friend, she tells Pony, she's hiding behind a façade.  a) True  b) False
  3. Pony says that he and Johnny get along so well because they can really talk to each other.  a) True  b) False
  4. When Pony says that someone "knows the score" (p40, p48), he means that person has savvy.  a) True  b) False
  5. What joke does Two-Bit make at the expense of the Socs?  a) "...reeling and passing out in the streets 'a little'?"  b) "Who you callin' bums?"  c) "I'm a natural normal."  d) "...pity the back seat..."  e) "Wish it was the other way around..."
  6. Why does Cherry leave with Bob and the other Socs?  a) "I could fall in love with Dallas Winston. I hope I never see him again or I will."  b) "We couldn't let our parents see us with you all."  c) "...if I see you...and don't say hi..."   d) "I can't stand fights."   e) "It's me or the booze."
  7. "Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too." (Who's talking to whom?)  a) Pony to Johnny  b) Pony to the Socs  c) Johnny to Cherry  d) Cherry to Pony  e) Pony to Cherry
  8. "Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too."  What is he/she talking about?  a) Why the Socs are the way they are - aloof.  b) How pretty the sunset is.  c) How they are from different classes.  d) How the greasers feel too much.  e) All of the above.
  9. "You don't ever think..." (Who's talking to whom?)  a) Pony to Johnny  b) Johnny to Pony  c) Pony to Cherry  d) Darry to Pony  e) Darry to Soda
  10. Why does Darry say he is hesitant to call the police when Pony is gone so long?  a) Pony could get jumped again.  b) Darry could get arrested.  c) They don't have the money to get Pony out of jail.  d) The family might be split up.  e) Because of the cops attitude about greasers.
  11. Why does Johnny say that he "almost likes it better when the old man is hitting me"?   a) "It just ain't the same."  b) ..."sometimes we get along okay..."  c) "At least then I know he knows who I am."  d) "At least you got Soda."  e) NOTA
  12. Johnny agrees with Pony that the gang is a good substitute for his bad family life.  a) True  b) False
  13. "It seems like there's gotta be someplace without greasers or Socs, with just people..."  (Who said?)  a) Pony  b) Johnny  c) Soda  d) Cherry  e) Two-Bit
  14. When Pony's ears get red, it means he's...  a) angry  b) embarrassed  c) scared  d) sad  e) jealous