Monday, 9/29/08 - Late Start Schedule
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. The Importance of Punctuation I. Sometimes punctuation marks can totally change the meaning of the words.
Each of the sentences below can be made to have another meaning by simply inserting or removing punctuation marks. Rewrite each sentence, punctuating it differently. (You may have to capitalize letters, but don't change any of the words.) Can you think of more than one way to change some of the sentences?
  1. Don't do anything stupid.
  2. The committee consists of Mary Jane, Sue Ann, and Louise.
  3. The team said the coach is great.
  4. Well leave it alone.
  5. The ladies have cast off clothing at the garage sale.
Pretest 2A
Pink Sheet. Main Verb + Helpers. Three freebies.