Friday, 4/16/10 - Assembly Schedule Today (First Period)
Prepare sheet for Test #25. Record extra credit.
Write summary of your Tom Sawyer work this week.
Mental Floss.
  1. Wacky Wordy:  NO  NO  NO
  2. Below are incomplete words. Put the proper letters in each bracket so that you can complete the word on the left and begin the word on the right.
    a) ri ( __ __ __ ) satile      b) unaw ( __ __ __ ) na
  3. Their are for mestakes in this teaser. Name all the errors.
  4. There is one word in the English language that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is it?
  5. What's the common link?
  6. Although much water you see,

  7. by definition, "desert" fits me.
    In the winter I double in size,
    but staying away is a word for the wise.
    I am very windy, that is a clue,
    What am I? Good luck to you.
    (Alert: geography.)
Test #25