Friday, 4/23/10
Prepare sheet for test #26. Record your non-clicker warm
up scores for the week: /6 and /8, and any extra credit you may have earned.
Fill in the Tom Sawyer Response Summary. If you worked
on paper, attach your mini-essay.
Mental Floss.
As I get closer, my tail grows
longer, as I leave, my tail leads the way. What am I? (Alert: science.)
A boy was in detention from
talking too much when the teacher was talking. The detention teacher said,
"You have to produce a 1000 word essay in 30 seconds...GO!!"
The boy actually did it. How? (Note: he did not just write
"A 1000 word essay" on his paper. You'll have to be a little more clever
than that.)
What was the largest, single,
man-made object visible with the naked eye to Neil Armstrong when he first
stepped onto the moon's surface?
You have just fallen 5
meters out of a window, completely naked!
Directly beneath you
is an enormous, spiky cactus.
You haven't hurt yourself!
How come?
What two words contain the
most letters?
Which Olympic champions do not
receive medals?
What North American state is
round on both sides and high in the middle?
Fill in the blanks with four
words, such that the first and the fourth are the same, while the second
and the third are homonyms.
A jailer ______ ______, and a jeweler ______ ______.
Test #26