Tuesday, 12/08/09
Pre-Warm Up Warm Up.
a) What infamous event in US (and world) history happened 12/7/1941? (Yesterday was the anniversary.)
b) What does infamous mean?

Go over Academic Words V Pretest.
Warm Up. Click and Copy.

  1. Unfortunately, there is not much ___________(ment) of the no gum rule. a) amend  b) sustain  c) consult  d) enforce  e) revenue
  2. Many seventh graders are a bit (dis)__________(ed) during the first few days of school.  a) enable   b) facilitate  c) amend  d) enforce  e) orient
  3. Get those crazy _________(s) of no homework right out of your head!  a) enforce  b) notion  c) capacity  d) clause  e) conflict
  4. Back in the day, the three ____________ subjects in school were called the 3R's: Readin', (W)Ritin', and (A)Rithmetic.  a) notion  b) amendment  c) fundamental  d) logical  e) revenue
  5. He used compost to ___________ the soil, so his garden was lush.  a) enforce  b) facilitate  c) generate  d) amend  e) orient
  6. As fewer people buy cd's, record companies have to figure out new ways to __________  ___________. a) sustain entity  b) generate orientation  c) amend enforcement  d) generate revenue  e) facilitate capacity

"Pink Sheet" - Possessive Nouns.
In other languages, to show possession, they use an extra word (of), as in "accidente de Enrique" (the accident of Enrique).
In English, we use an apostrophe: Enrique's accident.
Copy the ones you get wrong.

  1. If a word is singular (robot), to make it possessive we add... a) 's   b) s'   c) ' only
  2. If a word is singular (cowboy), and we want to make it plural AND possessive, we add... a) 's   b) s'   c) ' only
  3. If a word is plural, but doesn't end in s (men), to make it possessive we add... a) 's   b) s'   c) ' only
  4. If a word is singular, but ends in s (circus), to make it possessive we add...  a) 's   b) s'   c) ' only
  5. ...many   _______   ideas were good...   a) people's  b) peoples'  c) peoples  d) peoples's
  6. ...the   _______   new car...    a) Smith's  b) Smiths's  c) Smiths'
  7. ________   lame excuse...    a) Jimmies'   b) Jimmy's  c) Jimmys'   d) Jimmys's
  8. ________ old song...    a) Elvis's  b) Elvis'  c) Elvi's
  9. ...that  ________  furry coat...     a) bears'  b) bears's  c) bear's   
    Make it Plural.
  10. students lockers --> a) students'  b) student's  c) students'
  11. Anders  book (one kid named Anders)-->  a) Anders'  b) Anders's  c) Ander's
  12. Mrs. Jones low-rider --> a) Mrs. Jones'  b) Mrs. Jones's  c) Mrs. Jone's

The Giver, 17/18. Q/A. Quiz.

  1. Jonas now realizes that there is an Elsewhere out there.   a) True  b) False
  2. Now that Jonas is experiencing deep feelings like anger and sadness, he realizes that his family doesn't really have any real feelings at all.  a) True  b) False
  3. Why is Jonas so disturbed by the game his friends are playing?  a) He remembers the thirsty kid from his dream of war.  b) He thinks it isn't fair.  c) He doesn't understand the rules.  d) He thinks it's dangerous.  e) NOTA
  4. How does Asher react when Jonas tells him what he thinks of the game?  a) He invites him to join in.  b) He tries to explain why they are playing it.  c) He asks Jonas to go for a ride along the river.  d) He gets irritated at Jonas.  e) NOTA
  5. Why does Jonas feel overwhelmed with feelings of loss?  a) Asher told him he ruined the game.  b) Fiona refused to take a ride with him.  c) He doesn't really like his old friends any more.  d) His friends can't love him back.  e) NOTA
  6. Jonas's father tells Lily that he is the one who Releases the twin who is not chosen.  a) True  b) False
  7. How does The Giver describe the previously selected Receiver who failed?  a) A remarkable young woman  b) Self-possessed  c) Serene  d) Intelligent  e) All of the above
  8. Which of these memories of pain did The Giver not give to Rosemary?   a) Physical  b) Loss  c) Loneliness  d) Poverty  e) He gave her all of them.
  9. Rosemary broke the rules when she asked to be released.  a) True  b) False
  10. When Rosemary was released, and her memories overwhelmed the Community, The Giver didn't help them because he was too overwhelmed himself.  a) True  b) False
  11. What idea of Jonas's intrigues The Giver?  a) Jonas swimming.  b) Changing the rules so The Receiver can no longer ask to be released.  c) Helping the whole community the way he's helped Jonas.   d) Giving memories to Gabriel.  e) Floating off down the river.
  12. This could be considered foreshadowing.  a) True  b) False
  13. The main external conflict of the novel is... a) Jonas vs himself  b) Jonas vs The Giver  c) Jonas vs Asher  d) Jonas vs his parents  e) NOTA
Bonus: In your notebook, under the title "Release" give as many examples as you can of the different meanings of the word release. I looked in the dictionary, and found 12-16, depending on how picky you want to get, and they didn't include euphemisms. Give an example, use it in a sentence or short phrase, or just explain. Remember, it can be a noun or a verb! (Don't forget the obvious ones.) +1 each.