Thursday, 12/10/09

Warm Up. Click and copy. (18/20 or better can skip the copying.)

  1. S. E. Hinton says that she likes to keep the writer part of her a separate _________ from the mother part of her.  a) capacity  b) entity  c) notion  d) logic  e) clause
  2. His education _________(ed) him to go far in life.   a) orient  b) amend  c) sustain  d) facilitate  e) enable
  3. Some say low taxes ____ the growth of businesses. a) consult  b) revenue  c) enforce  d) facilitate  e) amend
  4. A(n) ______ is a piece of a sentence that could be a sentence on its own.  a) entity  b) notion  c) revenue  d) clause  e) whereas
  5. The word whereas is a(n) ___________.  a) verb  b) noun  c) adjective  d) preposition  e) NOTA
  6. "So I'd like to know where you got the rock the boat; don't rock the boat, baby!"  a) notion  b) revenue  c) enforce  d) facilitate  e) amend
  7. Not only was he doing poorly on the tests, he ________(ed) his problem by not doing his homework.  a) entity  b) notion  c) revenue  d) compound  e) whereas
  8. Those of you who went to the ________(ation) before school started probably were less (dis)_________(ed) on the first day. a) entity/notion  b) notion/orient  c) orient/enforce  d) clause/enforce  e) orient/orient

The Giver. Project Options.  Q/A.
Chapters 21/22 Quiz.

  1. What causes a change in Jonas's plan?  a) His family suspects something.   b) He just can't live that way any more.  c) He can't handle any more memories.  d) The Giver has no more memories to give.  e) NOTA
  2. What rule did Jonas break?  a) Leaving the dwelling at night.   b) Taking food from the Community. c) Taking his father's bicycle.  d) All of the above.  e) None of them; he's the Receiver-in-Training, he can do what he wants.
  3. Over all, Gabriel does not handle the journey very well.  a) True  b) False
  4. Jonas transmits memories of _____ to keep the planes from "seeing" Gabe and him. a) blindness  b) camouflage  c) snow  d) sunshine  e) NOTA
  5. As Jonas gets farther and farther away from the Community, he retains fewer and fewer of the memories he had been given.  a) True  b) False
  6. Which of the following was not one of the signals Jonas encountered that showed he was really outside the Community?  a) hills  b) rain  c) wildlife  d) untended roads  e) All were things he saw that showed he had really left the Community.
  7. What causes Jonas to have second thoughts about this whole thing?  a) It starts raining.  b) He encounters hills he can't pedal up.  c) They are attacked by a bear.  d) Hunger.  e) NOTA

"Pink Sheet" - Possessive Nouns.