Wednesday, 2/17/10
Warm Up - Spelling Practice.
Use your spelling pretest to help you. Your answers must be spelled correctly. (duh)
  1. (2) Please watch ______ head as ______ getting off the plane.
  2. (2) ridiculous : _________ :: professional : ___________  (antonyms)
  3. (2) tired : ________(ed) :: gullible : __________  (synonyms)
  4. What spelling rule do the words valuable and believable have in common?
  5. What is the other word from our list that also follows that rule?
Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.
  1. After a long, wet three days, the storm finally _______(ed). a) concoct  b) abate  c) scrutinize  d) shirk  e) atone
  2. Before you sign anything, always ________ it very carefully.  a) concoct  b) abate  c) scrutinize  d) shirk  e) atone
  3. He did a lot of community service to help _______ for his crime. a) reprove  b) decrepit  c) unstinting  d) shirk  e) atone
  4. He makes all sorts of weird fruit _______(ions) with that blender of his.  a) concoct  b) dexterous  c) laconic  d) shirk  e) verbose
  5. A captain at sea had the authority to whip a sailor who was _______(ing) his duty.  a) concoct  b) abate  c) scrutinize  d) shirk  e) atone
  6. Mother Teresa was a(n) _____ volunteer for the poor. She dedicated her life to helping them. a) decrepit  b) reprove  c) unstinting  d) dexterous  e) verbose
  7. My teacher thought I was ____(ing) my work, but I was only skipping it because I really didn't understand how to do it. a) concoct  b) abate  c) scrutinize  d) shirk  e) atone
  8. The crew is, at first, very _________ around Charlotte, but later they open up to her, and start talking.  a) laconic  b) decrepit  c) unstinting  d) dexterous  e) verbose
  9. The magician _________(ly) manipulated the cards. a) laconic  b) decrepit  c) unstinting  d) dexterous  e) verbose
  10. ________ and _______ are antonyms of each other.  a) unstinting, shirk  b) laconic, verbose  c) dexterous, unstinting  d) abate, reprove  e) concoct, shirk
  11. If you crashed the car, Mom would probably do much more than just _____ you. a) reprove  b) abate  c) scrutinize  d) shirk  e) atone
  12. The "haunted" house was so _________ that the stairs collapsed under us.  a) laconic  b) decrepit  c) unstinting  d) dexterous  e) verbose
Charlotte Question/Answers
1. What would be the most uncomfortable situation you could be in? What would make you feel the most uncomfortable and afraid? Explain why.
2. Are there any jobs that should be exclusively for men or for women? Why/not? (Not counting professional sports.)

Looking down from part way up
Working in the rigging.

Looking up!

Literally miles of rope!

Charlotte Quiz. Chapters 1 and 2. Bonus:  The knife handle was scrimshaw. What is that?
You may use your study questions, if you did them in your notebook.

  1. How is Charlotte able to recall just what happened with all the details?   a) She talked to people afterwards to make sure she remembered it correctly. b) She used the ship's records to recreate the journey.  c) She made up the parts she couldn't recall exactly.  d) Her father made her write it all down.  e) NOTA
  2. What made the first porter leave?  a) Charlotte's trunk was too heavy.  b) The mention of Capt. Jaggery's name.  c) The mention of the name Seahawk.  d) Charlotte was acting spoiled. e) Charlotte wouldn't pay him extra.
  3. What literary term would we use for this scene?  a) flashback  b) conflict  c) foreshadowing  d) irony  e) theme
  4. What's a Jack Tar? (p23)   a) slave  b) sailor  c) poor person  d) sick person  e) The stuff they use to plug holes in the ship.
  5. When Charlotte watches Grummage arguing with someone she can't see (ch 1), who does it turn out to be?  a) Jaggery  b) Keetch  c) The first mate.  d) Barlow.  e) Zachariah
  6. When Zachariah offers to be Charlotte's friend, she...   a) is grateful.   b) feels insulted.  c) is secretly grateful, but turns him down.   d) says she needs a friend.  e) NOTA
  7. Zachariah tells Charlotte that they have two things in common, "enough to begin a friendship." One of them is that they are both different from the crew; he's the only black, she's the only girl.  How else does he say they are different from the crew?  a) She's the only high-class person, he's the only slave.  b) She's never been to sea, he's been a sailor longer than anyone.  c) She's so young, and he's so old.  d) They are both much smarter than the rest of the crew.  e) None of the above.
  8. Who gave Charlotte a knife?  a) Keetch  b) Grummage  c) Zachariah  d) Barlow e) NOTA
  9. On a ship, the head is the captain.  a) True  b) False
  10. What does Charlotte do with the knife she is given?  a) Gives it back.  b) Throws it overboard.  c) Secretly puts it back. d) Hides it under her bed.  e) NOTA
  11. Who only pretended to want Charlotte off the ship?   a) Barlow  b) Keetch  c) Zachariah  d) Grummage  e) NOTA
  12. In the conversation Charlotte overhears outside her cabin, it sounds like Charlotte is on the ship... a) because her dad messed up.  b) because it was the only ship available.  c) as a part of someone else's plan.  d) for her own protection.  e) All of these.