Friday, 2/19/10
Prepare sheet for Test #19. (Whoa...)
Record Monday's warm up score.
Mental Floss.
  1. 62 = 49. You may move the digits however and wherever you choose, but you may not add or remove any digits or symbols. Make the equation correct. (alert: math)
  2. How can you use addition and get 21 as an answer using two odd numbers?  (alert: math)
  3. If it takes 5 birds 5 minutes to catch 5 bugs, how long would it take for 1000 birds to catch 1000 bugs? (alert: math)
  4. A man was 35 years old in the year 1935. In the year 1945, he was 25 years old. How is that possible? (alert: social studies)
  5. What US state has the name of another US state in it?  (alert: geography)
  6. (+2) This one is called "Pi."  Why? (alert: math)
    "Can I have a chewy chocolate to devour?" asked Kat.
    Uncle answered, "Certainly dearest Katherine. Can we get anything else?"
    "Of course, dear!"

  7. Two sisters walked up to a house. They were dressed in dirty clothes, and did their best to look starving. They knocked on the door, and when it was answered, the elder sister spoke,
         "We are in need of money. My name is Jamie, and this is my little sister Dot," she said. "Our mother died giving birth to me, and our father died just recently after a long illness. We are out of money and starving. Would you be so kind as to give us money?"
         The lady who answered the door thought for just a minute, and then said, "You are lying. I will not give you any money."
         How did she know?
Test #19.