Wednesday, 2/24/10
Warm Up. Copy (1-6) and click. (If you are exempt from academic words, you only have to copy #6.)
  1. With a little persuasion, I was able to _________ him to lessen the punishment.  a) accumulate  b) displace  c) induce  d) reinforce  e) fluctuate
  2. Most classroom rules don't have to be written down, they should be known ____________(ly).   a) reinforce  b) bias  c) arbitrary  d) implicit  e) crucial
  3. The guest teacher _________(ed) from the lesson plan, and spent the period showing a video.  a) denote  b) exploit  c) manipulate  d) arbitrary  e) deviate
  4. The Titanic _________(ed) more than 13 million gallons of water, making it the world's largest ship at the time.  a) accumulated  b) displace  c) arbitrary  d) induce  e) fluctuate
  5. His decision wasn't entirely ______; he actually had a reason behind it.  a) clarify  b) contemporary  c) uniform  d) arbitrary  e) bias
  6. The Latin prefix ambi- (the Greek form is ampho-) means...  a) two  b) unclear  c) both  d) neither  e) some   (As in ambiguous, ambidextrous, and amphibian.)
  7. The burglar exploited the unlocked door to gain easy access to the house. This is an example of the correct use of the word exploit.  a) True  b) False
  8. With so little time left on the clock, and the score so one-sided, the outcome was ambiguous. This is an example of the correct use of the word ambiguous.  a) True  b) False
Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.
  1. Please stop interrupting the class with such _______ questions.  a) slanderous  b) impertinent  c) complicit  d) trifle  e) inferior
  2. The newer model, instead of being an improvement, is actually ______ to the old model.  a) wont  b) impertinent  c) complicit  d) trifle  e) inferior
  3. That is not a dog to be _______(ed) with; he could turn on you in an instant.  a) slanderous  b) impertinent  c) adversity  d) trifle  e) smirk
  4. It was Sodapop's ______ to take off his shoes after work every day, and walk around in his socks  a) wont  b) impertinent  c) pastoral  d) trifle  e) tableau
  5. In drama class, we practiced posing in a _____ of various scenes.  a) wont  b) impertinent  c) pastoral  d) smirk  e) tableau
  6. The captain's cabin was even decorated with pretty, _____ paintings .  a) wont  b) inferior  c) pastoral  d) trifle  e) adversity
  7. So far, Charlotte has been uncomfortable, but she hasn't faced any real _____. That's about to change.   a) tableaux  b) inferiors  c) slanderous  d) trifles  e) adversity
  8. If you witness bullying, and you don't report it, you are ______ in the cruelty.  a) smirking  b) impertinent  c) complicit  d) trifle  e) inferior
  9. Charlotte thought the carved nut head had a satanic _____ on its "face."  a) smirk  b) impertinent  c) complicit  d) trifle  e) slanderous
  10. Most gossip is somewhat _______... a) smirking  b) pastoral  c) complicit  d) slanderous  e) inferior
  11. ...and that's why we like it; it makes us feel like they are _______ to us. a) smirking  b) impertinent  c) complicit  d) slanderous  e) inferior
  12. The island of Manhattan was "bought" from the Native Americans for a few _____(s) worth about 20 bucks.  a) smirk  b) impertinent  c) complicit  d) trifle  e) slanderous

Charlotte. Chapter 8.

  1. How did Charlotte generally begin her days? a) Having boiled coffee for breakfast.  b) Gazing at the stars  c) Reading Bible passages to the crew.  d) Having tea with the captain.  e) NOTA.
  2. What did Charlotte consider the high point of her days?  a) Brushing her hair.  b) Gazing at the stars  c) Reading Bible passages to the crew.  d) Sleeping.  e) NOTA
  3. Now that Charlotte is spending so much time with the crew, she's finding that she doesn't feel so superior to them any more. a) True  b) False
  4. A favorite of the crew. a) Zachariah b) Barlow  c) Hollybrass  d) Morgan  e) Charlotte
  5. "ship's boy"  a) Zachariah b) Barlow  c) Hollybrass  d) Morgan  e) Charlotte
  6. The butt of many cruel jokes. a) Zachariah b) Barlow  c) Hollybrass  d) Jaggery  e) Charlotte
  7. Area of the ship off-limits to Charlotte.  a) crew's quarters  b) quarterdeck  c) captain's cabin  d) the hold  e) the galley
  8. Got hit by the captain with one of these. -------------->

  9. a) Zachariah b) Barlow  c) Hollybrass  d) Morgan  e) Keetch
  10. Charlotte describes him as "nervous and agitated." a) Zachariah b) Barlow  c) Hollybrass  d) Morgan  e) Keetch
  11. The favorite Bible story of the crew.  a) David and Goliath.  b) Jonah and the whale.  c) Adam and Eve.  d) Jesus rising from the dead.  e) Jesus walking on water.
  12. Zachariah's second gift to Charlotte.  a) a mirror  b) a gun   c) a hairbrush  d) sailor's clothes  e) clean gloves
  13. Duff. a) Your, ahem, heinie. b) Times when a sailor is off watch.  c) Times/places when there is no wind. d) Used to scrub the decks.  e) Raisins and flour.
  14. Doldrums. a) The main cargo area.  b) Times when a sailor is off watch.  c) Times/places when there is no wind. d) Used to scrub the decks.  e) Raisins and flour.