Thursday, 2/25/10 - Tomorrow's Test: Academic Words, Vocabulary, Adverbs, Charlotte.
If you are exempt from BOTH the academic words AND vocabulary, you only have to copy #8.
Warm Up. Copy and click.
  1. In this class, if you do not do your homework, you will ______(ly) fail.   a) impertinent  b) arbitrary  c) thereby  d) inferior  e) inevitable
  2. The hacker was able to ________ the trust people have online, and get a lot of passwords.   a) exploit  b) arbitrary  c) complicit  d) ambiguous  e) trifle
  3. I asked my friend for her real, (un)_________(ed) opinion.  a) exploit  b) arbitrary  c) bias  d) ambiguous  e) smirk
  4. If you spread gossip, you are _______ in the _______ of that person.  a) implicit/displacement  b) crucial/adversity  c) exploiting/slander  d) deviate/manipulation  e) complicit/slander
  5. Mr. Coward's answer to my question was ________, and I didn't know which one he meant...  a) slanderous  b) fluctuate  c) complicit  d) ambiguous  e) clarify
  6. I asked him to please _______.   a) smirk  b) reinforce  c) exploit  d) induce  e) clarify
  7. scene : tableau :: guilt : _______   a) slander  b) inferior  c) smirk  d) adversity  e) complicity
  8. Both ________ (AW) and ________ (vocabulary) share the same root, which means "to ______."
Adverbs. Lolly's!  Correct Pink Sheet.
Pretest II. (18/20 or 10/10 = exempt!)
  1. The llama is a quadruped, with fins for swimming and wings for flying.  a) with  b) swimming, flying  c) with, for(2), and  d) quadruped  e)  no adverbs
  2. The buff llama swam extremely fast across the bay. a) buff, across  b) buff, fast  c) buff, extremely, fast, across  d) extremely, fast  e) extremely
  3. Quite suddenly, the llama bolted across the field. a) quite  b) quite, suddenly  c) quite, suddenly, across  d) quite, suddenly, field  e) no adverbs
  4. That llama is rather talented; he'll go far if he works hard.  a) rather  b) rather, talented  c) rather, hard, far  d) rather, talented, hard  e) rather, talented, hard, far
  5. The scared dwarf was breathing rather heavily as he ran from the drooling dragon. a) scared, rather, heavily, drooling  b) scared, heavily, drooling  c) rather, heavily, drooling  d) rather, heavily  e) heavily
  6. In the following sentence, which word is the intensifier?  The llama seemed quite dead before he galloped happily across the field.  a) seemed  b) quite  c) happily  d) across  e) None of the above, or no intensifiers.
  7. An adjective can modify an adverb.   a) True  b) False
  8. (adverb --> word it modifies) I am well pleased with my llama's fine performance on the test.  a) pleased --> am  b) am --> pleased  c) pleased --> performance  d) well --> performance  e) well --> pleased
  9. (adverb --> word it modifies) He is indubitably the finest llama at the newest school. a) finest --> is  b) indubitably --> is  c) indubitably --> llama  d) newest, finest --> is  e) no adverbs
  10. I did _______ on that test.  a) good  b) well


Charlotte. Chapter 9.

  1. Use the key on p223 to figure approximately what time "it" happened (p76).  a) about noon  b) about 6:00 am  c) about 2:00 or 3:00 pm  d) about 5:00 or 5:30pm  e) You can't tell what time it is.
  2. Charlotte says the jolly boats are one place even the captain does not go.  a) True  b) False
  3. Now we know for sure who kept the other passengers off the ship. Who?  a) Keetch  b) Jaggery  c) Grummage  d) the crew  e) NOTA
  4. Which of these does Charlotte NOT find when she finally goes, on an errand, to the crew's quarters?  a) a needle  b) a gun  c) a round robin  d) an extra crewman e) She finds all of these.
  5. How could we tell that the crew knew she was thinking about talking to the captain?  a) They told her not to tell.  b) They sent her a note.  c) They started spying on her.  d) Zachariah said something mysterious.
  6. How did the crew warn Charlotte not to tell?  a) They told her they would throw her overboard.  b) They threatened to put her name on a round robin. c) One of them pretended to slit his throat. d) One of them flashed a knife at her. e) NOTA
  7. Who does Jaggery say he trusts more than anyone?  a) Charlotte b) Hollybrass  c) Keetch  d) Zachariah  e) He says he trusts no one.
  8. When Charlotte tells what she saw, what is Hollybrass's reaction?  a) He gets fidgety.  b) He turns pale.  c) He turns red with excitement.  d) He says he doesn't believe her.  e) NOTA
  9. When Charlotte tells what she saw, what is Jaggery's reaction?  a) He gets fidgety.  b) He turns pale.  c) He turns red with excitement.  d) He says he doesn't believe her.  e) NOTA
  10. What does Charlotte say when Jaggery asks why she didn't come to him about the nut head incident?  a) She was afraid.  b) She didn't think he would believe her.  c) She couldn't believe what she had seen.  d) She thought he would think she was an idiot.  e) NOTA

Charlotte, ch10 aloud.