Tuesday, 6/1/10 (12)
Obviously there's only one homework assignment to worry about this week.
Warm Up.
POPResearch Quiz. Click. You may use your handouts, if you have them.
  1. You will receive extra credit if your title page has a picture related to your topic.  a) True  b) False.
  2. Your Works Cited page counts as one of your 5 page minimum.  a) True  b) False.
  3. Your introduction counts as part of your 5 page minimum.  a) True  b) False.
  4. The margins of your final draft should be ___ inch on all four sides. a) .25  b) .5  c) 1  d) 1.5  e) Whatever Word defaults to.
  5. The spacing between lines in your paper should be _____ space. a) single  b) double  c) 1.5  d) Whatever Word defaults to.
  6. The very last page of your paper should be your _______.  a) conclusion  b) introduction and conclusion  c) works cited page  d) outline  e) pictures
  7. You need to include at least _____ picture(s), maps(s), chart(s), graph(s), and so on.  a) 1  b) 2  c) 3  d) 4  e) Depending on topic; it doesn't matter.
  8. periodical : newspaper :: reference : _________   a) book  b) magazine  c) source  d) encyclopedia  e) web site
  9. ...there are over 75 species of dolphin ("Dolphins" 231), and most of them... a) Correctly cited  b) Incorrectly cited  (encyclopedia entry/no author)
  10. The only animal with feathers (Smith, 1), birds are from the phylum Chordata... a) Correctly cited  b) Incorrectly cited  (book)
  11. ...a student leaving high school after four years has spent more time in front of the television than in the classroom. (Jones 51) a) Correctly cited  b) Incorrectly cited     (book)
  12. The only animal with feathers (23), birds are from the phylum Chordata... a) Correctly cited  b) Incorrectly cited  (same book as the previous question)
  13. ...over 1500 dolphins were accidentally netted by tuna fleets in 1999 ("Dolphins Endangered by Tuna Fishing" Smith C4).Most of them... a) Correctly cited  b) Incorrectly cited   (newspaper article)
Reuse the applicable parts of your topic stuff.
Conclusion should be about 1/2 page.

Paper Layout.
Introduction and conclusion count toward your 5 pages. Title page, works cited, pictures, and table of contents do not.

You must give credit for your info. Any facts that didn't come from your own head must be cited.
If the whole paragraph came from one source, you may wait until the end of the paragraph to cite the source.
I should see at least one citation from each source listed on the works cited page.
Also look on your Pink Research Handout.

YEE #1

Time? "The Earth Men"

"Sometimes I ain't so sho who's got him a right to say a man is crazy and when he ain't. Sometimes I think there ain't none of us pure crazy and ain't none of us pure sane until the balance of us talks him that-a-way. It's like it ain't so much what a fellow does, but it's the way the majority of folks is looking at him when he does it."
                                       ---  from As I Lay Dying, by William Faulkner

What does he mean?

"The Earth Men" from The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.

Think of a time from history when there was a clash of two very different cultures. What usually happens?
If someone unusual-looking came to your door claiming to be from another planet, what would you do? What would you need as proof?