Thursday, 6/3/10 (10) {1} Ummm. You know what to do tonight. Remember, I can tell when Mom "helps" too much.
Late penalty (for Monday turn in) is still 20%, which is 40 points.
Last minute questions?
Research Paper Grading Scale:
Content:   /75
Writing/Editing/Organization:    /75
Citations/Use of Sources/Works Cited:    /30
Formatting/Requirements:    /20
Total:    /200

Total Request Live with Grammar Rock!
These word pairs are not in relation to each other, but if you find their synonyms, the two words will rhyme.
     Example : Plump Feline = Fat Cat
     a) Kiss Dog  b) Funny/Smart Cat  c) Unusual Rabbit  d) Wedding Limo (2) e) Untamed Minor
Poem #435
Open Mouth

  1. In this poem, the word Madness means...  a) anger  b) insanity  c) sickness  d) hatred  e) none of the above
  2. The poem says that  "the Majority" always prevails on the question of...   a) what is the right thing to do. b) who's weird and who isn't. c) who's cool and who isn't. d) who's important and who isn't. e) All of the above.
  3. The poem says that if a person looked very carefully... a) he would see that everyone is weird. b) he would see that what might look weird really isn't. c) he would see that what might seem sane really isn't. d) All of the above. e) b and c.
  4. The poem says that if you disagree with the majority... a) you're weird. b) you're stupid. c) you're considered dangerous. d) you're doing the right thing.  e) all of the above.
    Finish "The Earth Men."     Open Mouth Quiz

  5. On page 17, after Mrs. Ttt yells at him about his muddy boots, the captain says, "This is no time for trivialities...we should be celebrating." The word trivialities means...  a) worries about cleanliness, b) important things, c) womanly worries, d) unimportant things, e) yelling.
  6. The best word(s) to describe most Martians' reaction to the Earth men would be... a) fear. b) anger. c) indifference. d) politeness. e) none of the above.
  7. What does the captain say that finally makes Mr. Aaa stop and listen to him?   a) "All the way from Earth."  b) "Mr. Ttt sent us to see you."  c) "Earth. Rocket. Men. Trip. Space."  d) "We came sixty million miles."  e) "We're from Earth."
  8. What is it the Earth men want from the Martians?  a) Land. b) They want the Martians to surrender. c) Recognition. d) Goods to trade with Earth. e) All of the above.
  9. Even though it doesn't really have anything to do with the story, Ray Bradbury spends time describing a mechanical spider toy that the little girl plays with. What might be the point? a) To show how weird the Martians are. b) To show us a glimpse of what Martian life is like. c) He's comparing the Earth men to the spider; they are just toys that the Martians play with. d) To show that there are spiders on Mars. e) All of the above.
  10. What does the captain say that makes Mr. Iii laugh so hard he cries?  a) "We're from Earth."  b) "Do we have to go through all this rigmarole?"  c)  "It's a great honor."  d) "What's funny?" e) "Do you want my crew to sign also?"
  11. It turns out that the line of work a Martian needs to be in to welcome Earth men is...   a) military  b) government leader  c) police  d) immigration  e) psychology
  12. Why was there no "hullabaloo" to welcome the Earth men?    a) The Martians didn't believe the Earth men's story. b) There are many people on Mars who claim to be from Earth. c) The Martians had already met Earth men before (from the First Expedition). d) The Martians wanted the Earth men to go home. e) none of the above
  13. What was the Martian's explanation for the rocket?    a) It came from somewhere else on Mars. b) It was left there by the First Expedition. c) It was a product of the Earth men's minds. d) It was a giant fake. e) none of the above
  14. Why does Mr. Xxx shoot the captain?    a) The captain is a danger to Martians. b) The captain is in pain and wants Mr. Xxx to put him out of his misery. c) Mr. Xxx believes they really are from Earth. d) Mr. Xxx thinks he will be happier dead. e) none of the above
  15. Why does EMEN end with a "weather report"?     a) As a foreshadowing of things to come. b) To show how the Martians are starting anew after the Earthmen are gone.  c) To show that, as far as the Martians are concerned, the Earthmen were never there.  d) To show that Mars has weather like Earth.  e) All of the above.