Tuesday, 6/8/10
Warm Up. Use your extra credit sheet. If you don't yet have one, begin one.
Title: l(a    Date: 6/8/10

TRL w/Grammar Rock

YEE #6
Alternative. #1 is sort of a trick.

  1. I have T at my start, I have T at my end.

  2. I have T in my middle,
    And it comes through my bend.
    What am I?
  3. I have 7 letters. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

  4. Letters 1-2-6-3-5-4-7 mean the thickness of something. Letters 7-2-4-5 mean a legendary large, hairy creature that is said to inhabit the Himalayas. Letters 7-2-3 mean something that is said to show approval, which you wouldn't be saying if you were trying to 1-2-6-7 something.  Letters 4-5-2-1 mean that everything is equal.
    What is the 7-letter word?
  5. I have no voice, yet I speak to you; I tell of all things in the world that people do.

  6. I have leaves, but I am not a tree.
    I have a spine and hinges, but I am not a man or a door;
    I have told you all, I cannot tell you more. 
    What am I?
  7. Fill in the blanks below with a word that means the same as the word on the left when read normally, and fits the definition on the right when read backwards.  

Message to 6th Grade due Friday.
  • Poem(s) 
  • "Once Upon A Time…" (story) 
  • "Dear…" (letter) 
  • SNT 
  • Comic Strip 
  • Quiz 
  • Annotated map
  • Newspaper article
  • PowerPoint
  • Webpage
  • Video
  • Other?
  • Expectation vs. Reality (3) 
  • Things good about  Laguna (3) 
  • Advice (3) 
  • Approximately 300 words (or equivalent). 
  • Try to be upbeat and funny.
  • Include at least one euphemism.
  • All Content Items (20) 
  • Proofread and Fixed  (20) 
  • Effort/Quality  (10) 
  • Creativity  (10)



    Total Value  (60)

? All  Content Items (20)  _______
Subtract 3 for each that is missing: (3) Expectations vs Reality  (3) Good Things about Laguna  (3) Pieces of Advice

? Proofread and Fixed  (20)  _______
Subtract 2 points for every mechanical error after one. Award 20 for 0-1 mistake, 18 for 2 mistakes, 16 for 3 mistakes, etc. Please mark any errors you see.

? Effort  (10) ______
The effort is obvious = 10, Got it done OK = 7,
"At least you did something..." = 5

? Creativity/Clarity  (10)  ______
Wow = 10, cool = 9, good = 8, boring/I don't get it = 6 or less

Total Score (  /60):                                  (A = 54+  B = 48+  C = 42)