Tuesday, 3/9/10
Warm Up. Copy. Choose from your academic word list. Partners/Trios. If you are exempt, you  may write just the answers.
  1. Even though sky-diving is relatively safe today, the sport is still ______(ly) risky. 
  2. His argument was ______, and his paper was persuasive. 
  3. He is the most _______ part of the team; without him the mission would fail. 
  4. After the strike, a ________(or) was brought in to help settle the dispute.
  5. He had a very strong work _______, and always gave his full effort. 
  6. The http you see at the beginning of URLs stands for the ______, or set of rules, that computers use to communicate. 

Pink Sheet, p124. Prepositions.
"Busy P's...if you please."
Check Pink Sheet w/partner. Go over pink sheet.( -0 = +2  -1 = +1)
ID the prepositions. Remember: A preposition will ALWAYS have an object. ALWAYS "...with a noun, or at least a pronoun, bringing up the rear..."
  1. Jack fell down and broke his crown.   a) adverb  b) preposition
  2. The cowpoke came from San "Antone."     a) adverb  b) preposition
  3. Gabriel was worried when the plane flew over, and pedaled even faster.    a) adverb  b) preposition
  4. Myron mailed the letter to his grandma at the post office.  a) the(2), to, at  b) the(2), at  c) to  d) at  e) to, at
  5. Danny told us about the great vacation he had at lunch.  a) about  b) about, at  c) about, at, the  d) at  e) no prepositions
  6. Hundreds of people swarmed into the theater for the show.  a) of  b) of, into, swarmed  c) of, into  d) of, into, for  e) of, for
  7. Without a doubt, spitting on the subway is against the law.  a) without, doubt, on  b) without, on, is  c) without, on, against  d) on, against  e) against
  8. If you try, you know that you can fly...over the rainbow.  a) that  b) can  c) can, over  d) over  e) that, over
  9. I am going to skip on my way home from Grandmother's house.  a) to, on, from  b) on, from  c) from  d) to, from  e) on
  10. After years as head coach, he decided to step down.   a) after  b) after, as  c) after, as, down  d) after, down e) after, as, to
    Bonus: What's grammatically wrong with #4 and #5?

Charlotte 17

  1. Charlotte thinks Zachariah's plan to go ashore in Providence and report Jaggery won't work, because Jaggery would never let him get ashore.  a) True  b) False
  2. What does Zachariah say to show Charlotte that any one of the crew was capable of killing Hollybrass?  a) He explains how they're all experts with a knife.  b) He tells her about the plan they had.  c) He tells her how the whole crew is made up of former criminals.  d) He tells her how gossip travels in a ship.  e) None of the above.
  3. At this point, whom does Charlotte think killed Hollybrass?  a) Dillingham  b) Keetch  c) Jaggery  d) the whole crew  e) none of the above
  4. When Jaggery comes to get Charlotte for her trial, she says he looks at her... a) with hatred.  b) with disgust.  c) with sick pleasure.  d) like she's not there.  e) all of the above.
  5. Jaggery tells Charlotte that she is only getting a trial because she's the daughter of one of the owners of the company.  a) True  b) False

I'll check 600 words tomorrow.