Tuesday, 3/16/10 - Checking Pink Sheet, p127
Warm Up. Copy (1-6). Choose the correct word from your Spelling Pretest #9.
  1. food : ____ :: stars : ____
  2. _____ ---> primary --> _____ ---> secondary
  3. classes : schedule :: cities : ____
  4. fair: ____ :: permanent : ___  (antonyms)
  5. lawnmower : machinery :: ________ : genre
  6. Because of the endings this week, there are no _______(s) on our spelling list.  a) nouns  b) verbs  c) adjectives
  7. a) "I am lying."  b) "The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing."  These are two more examples of  _______s. (vocabulary word)
Pink Sheet: Prepositions. Correct p127. -0 = +3,  -1 = +2,  -2 = +1.
  1. I like to ride my bike to work.   a) adjective prepositional phrase  b) adverb prepositional phrase  c) not a prepositional phrase
  2. After much supplication and many cookies, the teacher finally forgave the students for their heinous behavior.  a) adjective prepositional phrase  b) adverb prepositional phrase  c) not a prepositional phrase
  3. After much supplication and many cookies, the teacher finally forgave the students for their heinous behavior.  a) adjective prepositional phrase  b) adverb prepositional phrase  c) not a prepositional phrase
  4. After much supplication and many cookies, the teacher finally forgave the students for their heinous behavior.  a) adjective prepositional phrase  b) adverb prepositional phrase  c) not a prepositional phrase
  5. Our platypus has been running behind schedule until now.  a) adjective prepositional phrase  b) adverb prepositional phrase  c) not a prepositional phrase
  6. I am going to skip on my way home from Grandmother's house.   a) adjective prepositional phrase  b) adverb prepositional phrase  c) not a prepositional phrase
  7. I am going to skip on my way home from Grandmother's house.   a) adjective prepositional phrase  b) adverb prepositional phrase  c) not a prepositional phrase
  8. Some of the disagreements between ducks are beside the point.  a) adjective prepositional phrase  b) adverb prepositional phrase  c) not a prepositional phrase
  9. The clown with the evil grin skipped homeward.  a) adjective prepositional phrase  b) adverb prepositional phrase  c) not a prepositional phrase
  10. In notebook w/title (Prepositions) -- Rewrite the following sentence to fix the misplaced prepositional phraseMyron mailed the letter to his grandma at the post office.
 IRW 387-390.
Correct 1-5. #5 is worth 4 points. (total = 8) 487, 488, 489
  1. Loihi is the newest Hawaiian island.  a) True b) False
  2. About how many tectonic plates are there covering the Earth?  a) 1  b) 3  c) 4  d) 8  e) 12
  3. The tectonic plates move too slowly to measure their speed.  a) True  b) False
  4. How do they monitor underwater volcanoes?  a) They can't  b) satellite photos  c) by measuring earthquakes under them  d) underwater photography  e) some other way
  5. What is a seamount?  a) an island  b) a mountain that was flooded  c) a sealed underwater volcano  d) a way of mounting underwater cameras for monitoring  e) NOTA

"A Sound of Thunder"  by Ray Bradbury

"If you can't read and write you can't think. Your thoughts are dispersed if you don't know how to read and write. You've got to be able
to look at your thoughts on paper and discover what a fool you were. "

"The first thing you learn in life is you're a fool. The last thing you learn in life is you're the same fool."

"I don't try to describe the future. I try to prevent it."

"Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down."

 - Ray Bradbury

"A Sound of Thunder"