Friday, 3/19/10 - Earthquake and Fire Drill (3rd period) Schedule.
Prepare sheet for Test 23. Record: Pink Sheet score (/10), your three warm up scores (/7, /6, /5), and any other extra credit you may have earned (examples: Northern Lights, St. Pat, mistake finding (+1/2), etc.)
Click in IRW 401-405 (1-7)
Mental Floss
  1. Read the story to see if you can figure it out:  The police already knew the getaway car was red or blue. Luckily, Charlie saw the robbery and was able to tell them. Charlie's brother later told some friends what had happened. "Charlie said the car was blue," he said. The problem is that one brother always tells the truth, the other always tells lies, but we don't know which is which. Was the robber's car red or blue?
  2. If men have two hands, and monkeys have four hands, what has three hands?
  3. Jimmy worked many overtime hours this week, and his normal weekly pay tripled. He received an additional $700. What is his normal salary?
  4. What comes with a motorcycle, is not needed by the motorcycle, yet the motorcycle can't run without it?
  5. What  is represented here?    
  6. (+1/2 each) Figure out what the animals are! (For example, "To run away or escape" could be a "flea.") You have to  spell the animal names correctly.
    a) hair-control foam  b) very exposed  c) tellin' falsities  d) a lamenting cry  e) a dull person  f) if you don't pay a parking ticket, then you get this  g) these make up a chain

Test 23
"Time and Punishment"?