Friday, 5/7/10 - Checking: Study Questions and Spelling 5X.
Prepare sheet for Test #28.
Be sure to record your "Twins Outline" score (/6) and your warm up score from yesterday (/9).
Mental Floss. No, you don't get to ask questions. The first three are not tricks.
  1. What one three-letter word can be placed in the blanks below to make four different words?
    ___less  ___ure  ___orse  ___ing
  2. Tom Sawyer Anagrams:  a) Tall Pun Yo   b) Hamsters Cool
  3. For each pair of words, move one letter from one word to the other to make a pair of synonyms.

  4. Example: boast -- hip.  Move the S and you get boat -- ship. The movement could go either way.
  5. What weighs more, a bag full of a pound of feathers, or brick weighing a pound?
  6. There was a man who fell over 50 stories, without anything to slow his descent, and landed without any injuries, alive. How did he survive?
  7. At noon, you look at the old-school clock in your bedroom. The big hand is on the five and the little hand is in between the three and the four. What time is it?
  8. Two friends were talking.

  9. Bob said "Have you ever thought about what rhymes with orange?"
    Ben replied, "Nothing rhymes with orange."
    "Actually something rhymes with orange," said Bob.
    Who is right?
  10. Mr. Cheeselog wasted lots of money every day, and now he is a millionaire. How?

Test #28
Doodle Theme: English-related SuperHero!