Thursday, 10/1/09
While I check/correct Pink Sheet...
Warm Up. Click! Then copy the only ones you get wrong (as well the ones you get right by guessing).
  1. Actions that might be permitted in some _______(s), might not be permitted in others. a) authority  b) method  c) context  d) exploit  e) conduct
  2. The adventurer's __________(s) made for a great novel.  a) exploit  b) authority  c) juvenile  d) factor  e) delirious
  3. It was a very _______ financial transaction, understood by only a few.  a) authority  b) evidence  c) context  d) complex  e) feature
  4. He didn't quite grasp the ______ of doing homework regularly.  a) authority  b) consist  c) premonition  d) defunct  e) concept
  5. deja vu : past  ::  _______ : future   a) defunct  b) approach  c) authority  d) premonition  e) concept
  6. Ariel was so _______(ed) in her book, that she didn't notice class had ended.  a) involve  b) consist  c) context  d) complex  e) significant
  7. The ________ that he was the culprit was very strong, so he was convicted.  a) evidence b) aspect c) structure d) factor  e) benefit
  8. We learned new information that we now have to _________ into our decision. a) method  b) approach  c)factor  d) evidence  e) consist
Preview of Next Week: Lolly's!
FRO III. Required for exemption: 23/25 for the week, or 10/10 right now.
  1. There are shells all over the beach, so let's collect some!  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  2. Johnny and Pony ran as the Soc chased them.  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  3. That's the largest desert in the world!  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  4. Not many people, except those in the desert.  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  5. The dry desert soil, and hardly any water.  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  6. Months may pass between rainfalls, but when storms do occur, they may be violent.  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  7. I wanted to go trick-or-treating, I was too old. a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  8. Into the hole he fell.  a) Fragment   b) Run-On   c) Complete Sentence
  9. One way to fix a run-on is with the word and.  a) True  b) False
  10. One way to fix a run-on is with a semi-colon.  a) True  b) False
Fun/Planet Examples
Check exemptions for Test #5.  Academic Words, Vocabulary, FRO, Outsiders chapter 4 + response
Due: AW Sentences, KBARR, bring your Pink Sheet!

Hank vs Prince
The Outsiders chapter 4.
Review possible responses to chapter 4 for tomorrow's test.

Richard Cory? Chapter 5?