Thursday, 10/22/09 - Collecting: Sentence Combining.
Tomorrow's Test: Spelling, Warm Ups, Vocabulary, Commas, Outsiders?
Warm Up. Mini Practice Test.
  1. a) depot  b) boutique  c) resevoir  d) plateau  e) all correct
  2. a) placque  b) vague  c) technique  d) ensemble  e) all correct
  3. a) amateur  b) surveillance  c) boulevard  d) naive  e) all correct
  4. camera : surveillance :: ________ : shopping  a) depot  b) boutique  c) resevoir  d) plateau  e) naive
  5. professional : amateur :: farewell : ____    a) debris  b) detour  c) antique  d) fatigue  e) debut
  6. The movie was so scary, the feeling of fear in the theater was ___________ .  a) supplement  b) aghast  c) enhance  d) nondescript  e) palpable
  7. A euphemism for plastic surgery might be... "surgical appearance ___________(ment)."  a) apprehensive  b) aghast  c) transgression  d) nondescript  e) enhance
  8. "I had cried too if you want to know the truth because Soda never really wanted anything except a horse and he'd lost his."  a) too, truth, Soda,   b) horse,  c) too, truth, horse, d) too, truth,   e) Correct as is.
  9. "Sodapop was stretched on  the sofa sound asleep but Darry was in the armchair under the lamp reading the newspaper."  a) Sodapop, sofa, asleep,  a) sofa, asleep,  c) asleep,  d) sofa, asleep, lamp, e) asleep, lamp,
  10. Sentence #5 on p194 contains an appositive.  a) True  b) False

Sentence Combining. Collect.

Pink Sheet, p194. Commas III
Click in what you marked.  22/25 or 10/10 = exempt.

The Outsiders
Chapter 8 (Quiz on Test tomorrow.)
- Chapter 9 - Read aloud to the middle of p147. Finish ch. 9 silently, then click in quiz answers.