Thursday, 9/3/09 - Test Tomorrow: Spelling, Vocabulary, Library, Whatever-Other-Shtuff-We-Have-Talked-About-In-Here-This-Week.
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
  1. un : not :: pre : _______  a) advanced  b) easy  c) before  d) after  e) one
  2. _______ doesn't belong with the others.    a) evaluate  b) summarize  c) question  d) react  e) predict      (Why?)
  3. hopeful : bleak :: proud : ________  a)  savvy  b) denotation  c) sage  d) rueful  e) fathomable
  4. casual : nonchalant :: sage : __________     a) fathom  b) savvy  c) infer  d) denotation  e) connotation
  5. Book titles should always be underlined or written in italics.  a) True  b) False
  6. An adjective is a word that...  a) describes how you do something.  b) shows action.  c) describes another word.  d) describes a noun.  e) describes a relationship between words.  (Choose the BEST answer.)
  7. A noun is...  a) an action word.  b) a thing.  c) describing word.  d) a person, place or thing.  e) the subject of the sentence.
  8. The word stupidly is an example of an adjective.  a) True   b) False


To the Library!
Backpacks in cubbies. Silence and Respect. Listen!
Questions about the orientation will be on the quiz tomorrow! Like these:
1. What hours is the library open?
2. The outside wall of the library is devoted to what type of books?
3. The low shelves in the middle of the library are to devoted to what type of books?
4. (2) How are those books in the middle of the library arranged?
5. True or False? The library has current magazines available for check-out.
6. (2) If you decide not to check out a book after you have pulled it from the shelf what should you do?
7. What are the look-up stations called?