Thursday, 4/7/11
Test Tomorrow: Spelling, Vocabulary, ISP, Husker Du
Warm Up. Copy. *spelling **vocabulary
  1. * cheap : inexpensive :: valuable : ______
  2. * heavy : light :: abrupt : ______
  3. * lazy : failure :: _____ : success
  4. ** mature : juvenile :: rare : ________
  5. **(2)The _____ you share with your friends might seem _____ to an outsider (but to you it seems important).
  6. **(2) He ______(ly) dismissed the _____ information. (Don't use abysmal.)
Go over Benchmark III.

Interstellar Pig
Correct/Collect Friday's Quiz.

  1. In chapter 10, Barney considers giving The Piggy to the neighbors. Why does he decide to keep it?
  2. The character in the game, Luap, corresponds to which character in real life?
  3. Now we know that Captain Latham's brother did not kill the shipwrecked sailor. How did he die?
  4. How did the shipwrecked sailor get there in the first place?
  5. How did the neighbors get Barney's parents out of the house?
  6. Where does Barney hide The Piggy?
  7. Why does Barney not go into town and report his suspicions about the neighbors?
  8. Why does Barney want to watch Manny cooking in the kitchen?
  9. What does Barney say is the reason he thinks the neighbors want The Piggy? (Be careful answering this one.)
  10. Why does Barney toast The Piggy instead of himself like the neighbors did?

Interstellar Pig. (ch. 13/14/15 - 18p)

  1. What is the neighbor's theory about why it was only Barney that got curious about them?
  2. (one word quote) How does having The Piggy stashed away make Barney feel as they start the game?
  3. (2) What changes have taken place in the game as they begin playing this time?
  4. What does Zena mean when she calls Barney an inferior player?
  5. If the neighbors are playing the game for real why do they say they wanted to play the board game version with Barney?
  6. (4) What four cards does Barney choose for this game?
  7. What decides when the real-life game will end?
  8. What does Zena say about the ending of the last game they played?
  9. (4) Whose words does Barney hear in his head in chapter 15?
  10. How does Jrlb breathe out of the water?
  11. How does Barney fight off Jrlb the first time?

Thursday, 4/7/11 - EIGHTH GRADE
Test Tomorrow: Spelling, Vocabulary, SLoD, Husker Du
Warm Up. Copy 1-6. *spelling **vocabulary

  1. * cheap : inexpensive :: valuable : ______
  2. * heavy : light :: abrupt : ______
  3. * lazy : failure :: _____ : success
  4. ** mature : juvenile :: active : _____
  5. **(2) His seeming _______ _______(ed) his actual nervousness and doubt.
  6. ** Hal and Co. were definitely NOT _____.
  7. The word cessation is the noun form of ______. (Yes, spelling counts.)

The Call of the Wild.
"He always spoke and acted towards the dog as if he recognized its noble qualities, respected them, but  took them as a matter of course. It always seemed to me that he gave more to the dog than we did, for he gave understanding. He had an appreciative and instant eye and he honored them in a dog as he would in a man."
Who are we speaking about?

Men in Fur?

  1. Which quote best sums up the first four pages of Chapter 7? (p89-92) a) "The salient thing of this other world seemed fear." (p92)  b) "There was nothing for the dogs to do..." (p92) c) "To Buck it was boundless delight, this hunting, fishing, and indefinite wandering..." (p90)  d) "No living man had looted this treasure house." (p90)  e) "John Thornton asked little of man or nature." (p90)
  2. Which quote best sums up pages 93-98?  a) "Buck did not attack, but circled him about and hedged him with friendly advances."  (p94)  b) "Never was there such a dog."  (p98)  c) "It caused him to feel a vague, sweet gladness, and he was aware of wild yearnings and stirrings for he knew not what."  (p93)  d) "For two days and nights Buck never left camp..." (p96)  e) "Because of all this, he became possessed of a great pride in himself..."  (p97)
  3. After Buck returns from his time with the wolf, why does he, for two days, never let Thornton out of his sight?  a) He loves Thornton so much.  b) He's trying to protect Thornton from the wolves.  c) Buck's afraid he'll leave for good.  d) He didn't like it out there.
  4. What does #9 in the vocabulary homework refer to?
  5. What does #1 in the vocabulary homework refer to?
  6. What did Buck realize after he had attacked the Yeehats? a) That John Thornton wasn't strong enough to survive.  b) That man was no match for Buck.  c) That man is evil.  d) That John Thornton was the only good man Buck knew.
  7. Find a quote on p101-102 that shows Buck somehow sensed that the Yeehats were about, and foreshadows their appearance later.
  8. The part of the story that begins..."And here may well end the story of Buck" (p757) is called the... a) exposition.  b) conflict.  c) rising action.  d) climax.  e) resolution.
  9. The part of the story where Thornton is killed, and Buck follows the Call is called... a) exposition.  b) conflict.  c) rising action.  d) climax.  e) resolution.
  10. (2) The main external conflict of COW is...   The main internal conflict of COW is...

Go over Benchmark III.

Charlton Heston...