Tuesday, 4/12/11
Warm Up. Copy. Use your spelling list. Yes, you copy #7.
  1. "self life writing" = _____
  2. "life study" = _____
  3. "together feeling" = _____
  4. "from hang-able" = _____
  5. "into cut thing" = _____
  6. "against stand thing" = _____
  7. a) A hypothesis is a ______ that you try to prove with _____.  b) A thesis is a ______ that you try to prove with ______.

Spelling Review Pretest. Old School.
**5x for what you missed due Thursday.

Check 600 Words for the last time.
Writing Exercise.
Grabber Introductions!
Due back Friday.

8th grade: "Ransom of the Red Chief"

  • Identify the following historical persons by saying what they are most famous for: Buffalo Bill, David and Goliath, King Herod.
  • What do we call words like buzz, hum, and hiss? (Words that sound like what they are.)
  • What do we call expressions that seem contradictory, like "jumbo shrimp" and "larger half" and "unbiased opinion"? Give other examples for extra credit.
