Tuesday, 2/8/11
Collecting: Giver Projects (7th), Giver books (7th), Interviews (8th),
Academic Words 6-2. Click and Copy. **SSI does sentences for missed ones tonight.
  1. Please _________ at least five academic words in your essay.  a) incorporate  b) enhance  c) aggregate  d) inhibit  e) migrate
  2. Nobody could understand the __________ of the man who gave all his money away. It was a mystery why he did it.  a) motive  b) incidence  c) rational  d) abstract  e) discriminate
  3. Before the fine for clicker-dropping was introduced, there was very little ___________ not to drop them.  a) rational  b) discriminate  c) scope  d) acknowledge  e) incentive
  4. He is honest, trustworthy, and loyal; ___________, he is funny. a) nevertheless  b) furthermore  c) allocate  d) acknowledge  e) transform
  5. Part of his job with the city was to decide how much money to _____________ to police and fire protection.  a) allocate  b) incorporate  c) discriminate  d) explicit  e) enhance
  6. People use cosmetic surgery to try to _____________  their looks.  a) rational  b) discriminate  c) enhance  d) inhibit  e) incorporate
  7. I gave very ________, step-by-step instructions; they should be easy to follow.  a) explicit  b) transform  c) abstract  d) cite  e) scope

Intro to 600 Words/Week and types of essays. First due date: 2/15.
Attach handout to inside of folder.
You need to turn in essays in at least 3 different styles by the end of the year. I'll be asking for the first rough draft in a couple of weeks.
Writing Styles: (R) Eyewitness Report (L) Response to Literature  (E) Evaluation (P) Persuasion (T) Technical Writing  (P-S) Problem-Solution
10 minutes to get started. Here are a few ideas:



 Are there any jobs that should be exclusively for men or for women? Why/not? (Not counting professional sports.)

Looking down from part way up
Working in the rigging.

Looking up!

(First Period only: 120 Seconds.)

Dear Alice Responses?
Psychological story/test. Whom did you put down first?

Match each character from Mr. Pignati's story with a character from the novel. Say why. Counts for 600 words.
wife = fun
husband = love
lover = sex
assassin = money
boatman = magic 
John's mom
John's dad
Lorraine's mom
Mr. Pignati

Pigman. Chapter 10.

  1. (quote) What does Lorraine's mom think of almost all boys/men?
  2. Why does Lorraine think her mom feels this way?
  3. (quote) How does Lorraine's mom thank her for the stockings?
  4. (quote) What foreshadowing does Lorraine give about the end of the chapter?
  5. Who wouldn't eat, thus making Mr. Pignati sad?
  6. Lorraine was sorry she had told John they had to tell Mr. Pignati the truth because she knew...?
  7. How does Lorraine get a laugh out of Mr. Pignati after the sad part?
  8. Lorraine thought Mr. Pignati's little story/test was wildly wrong about her.  a) True  b) False