Friday, 2/18/11
Prepare sheet for Test #19.
Mental Floss.
  1. The more you take away the bigger it gets; the more you add, the smaller it becomes. What is it?
  2. What famous fictional character is represented here?    ants, beetles, termites, rabbit
  3. What question can you never answer yes to truthfully?
  4. How can you spell "hard water" using only three letters?
  5.  Each of the following phrases can be rearranged into a single word. (All the words you end up with have something in common.) What are the words?
  6. Spell the word candy with just 2 letters.
  7. Look at the following information:

  8. O + T = T    O + S = S    T + T = F    F + F = E    E + O = N
    What is N - N?
Test #19

Eighth Grade: Meet in Computer Lab for Interviews into Webpages.

  1. Make a folder on the server. Use your interviewee's last name (no caps) as the file name.
  2. When asked to save your web page, make the filename "index.html" (don't type the quotes), and the title of the page the name of your interview subject.
  3. Once your interview is saved, jazz it up with links and pics. Link to things talked about in the interview; try to give more background about the things you talked about.
  4. If you have pics, bring them in, and we'll add them.
  5. Save EVERYTHING in the folder.