Wednesday, 1/5/11 - SEVENTH GRADE
Warm Up. Copy into notebook. If you earned 20/20 yesterday, you may skip the copying.
  1. The rubric gives the _________ for grading your projects.  a) tradition  b) element  c) emphasis  d) criteria  e) concentrate
  2. The band went on tour to ____ their new album.  a) emphasis  b) contrast  c) emerge  d) promote  e) equate
  3. The _____ of your project should be on showing your knowledge of the book.  a) criteria  b) framework  c) emphasis  d) adequate  e) dimension
  4. We need to know the __________(s) of your room, so we know how much paint to buy.  a) criteria  b) dimension  c) emphasis  d) emerge  e) tradition
  5. Her cat was her __________ companion; he never left her side.  a) promote  b) constant  c) hence  d) tradition  e) adequate
  6. Many people ____________ money with happiness.  a) emphasis  b) promote  c) attribute  d) dimension  e) equate
  7. He _______(ed) his success to listening to his seventh grade English teacher.  a) promote  b) contrast  c) institute  d) concentrate  e) attribute

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. You will use words more than once. You will not use them all. Click only.

  1. Loudog, because he's getting mighty old, spends his days ________(ly) dozing in the sun.  A. Languid  B. Frazzle  C. Meticulous  D. Solace  E. Permeate
  2. After a long, busy day at work, Mr. McWhiner often comes home ________(ed).  A. Admonish   B. Assuage  C. Assimilate  D. Frazzle  E. Solace
  3. The Elders are very _________ about choosing the new receiver.   A. Permeate  B. Solace  C. Dejected  D. Petulant  E. Meticulous
  4. People in the Community who can't or won't __________, can ask for release. Perhaps they would fit in better Elsewhere.    A. Assimilate  B. Frazzle  C. Languid  D. Solace  E. Admonish
  5. There was no way to _____ the grief he felt after his dad died.  A. Petulant  B. Assimilate  C. Assuage  D. Admonish  E. Permeate
  6. When Mr. Ingrate opened his last gift and saw that it was not the skateboard he’d asked for, he became very _____.  A. Distend  B. Frazzle  C. Permeate  D. Petulant  E. Languid
  7. When your sadness is __________(ed), your soul has found ________. (Awww.)  A. Languid, Assuage   B. Solace, Assuage  C. Assuage, Solace  D. Frazzle, Petulant  E. Petulant, Assimilate
  8. The light in the room didn't seem to come from any one source; it just sort of ________(ed)  the walls, casting a soft glow.  A. Frazzle  B. Permeate  C. Solace  D. Admonish  E. Petulant
  9. To scold is to _________.  A. Admonish  B. Frazzle  C. Solace  D. Languid  E. Dejected
  10. The goal of immigrants used to be __________(ion), but these days people seem to like to emphasize their differences.  A. Petulant  B. Solace  C. Dejected  D. Meticulous  E. Assimilate
  11. Mr. Coward's student assistants are not happy about Jhonny's less than ___________ papers. They are very difficult to decipher.  A. Petulant  B. Solace  C. Languid    D. Meticulous   E. Assimilate
  12. relieve : assuage :: absorb : _______  a) solace  b) assimilate  c) frazzle  d) petulant  e) permeate

The Giver, chapter 3 Q/A.

  1. Why does  Jonas want his father to chastise Lily?  a) She “borrowed” his bike to go for a ride.  b) She mentioned his eyes.  c) She interrupted him while he was sharing his feelings.  d) She threw water on him.  e) NOTA
  2. It is against the rules to call attention to things that are different about individuals. a) True  b) False
  3. What quality does Jonas think Gabriel's eyes have that other people's eyes don't?  a) color  b) depth  c) reflection  d) love  e) NOTA
  4. Why is there very little honor in the assignment of Birthmother?  a) After three years, you do hard physical labor until you enter the House of the Old.  b) It is considered unclean to give birth to babies.  c) You do not continue your schooling after you receive that assignment.  d) You are considered insensitive because you give up your babies.  e) NOTA
  5. One of the jobs of a Speaker is to publicly chastise those who break minor rules.  a) True  b) False
  6. Why was Jonas chastised?  a) He got angry at Asher for dropping the apple over and over.  b) He wasted the apple by only taking one bite and then throwing it away.  c) He wasn't supposed to be using it to play catch with.  d) He took the apple home.  e) NOTA
  7. Asher also noticed something had changed about the apple they were tossing.  a) True  b) False
  8. Family units are limited to four people. a) True  b) False
  9. Rules and manners are important in this community.  a) True  b) False
  10. Nobody ages past 12 in this community.  a) True  b) False
  11. The Giver is written in... a) first-person  b) second-person  c) third-person  d) NOTA


Wednesday, 1/5/11 - EIGHTH GRADE
Warm Up. Click and Copy. Also copy the portion of each hint that is in quotes.. If you earned 20/20 yesterday, you may copy just the Latin root meaning.

  1. The teacher _______(ed) a series of questions to the class. (From the Latin for "stop or rest.") a) invoke  b) persist  c) suspend  d) pose  e) undergo
  2. Tom and Huck followed IJ around hoping to see him _____ his Master. (From the Latin for "voice.")  a) conceive  b) undergo  c) invoke  d) incline  e) forthcoming
  3. All human beings are ______(ally) valuable, whether they have money or not.  (From the Latin for "within.")  a) intrinsic  b) integrity  c) invoke  d) persist  e) incline
  4. Today's world is one which most of our ancestors could never ____ of. (From the Latin for "to take in.")  a) conceive  b) persist  c) invoke  d) albeit  e) compile
  5. Huck had no _____(ation) to work. He was content to loaf around all day. (From the Latin for "to lean.")  a) conceive  b) incline  c) integrity  d) invoke  e) compile
  6. Mr. Coward ____(ed) the use of vocabulary cheat sheets for one month, and forced the students to actually learn the words. (From the Latin for "under hang.")  a) persist  b) undergo  c) invoke  d) conceive  e) suspend
  7. The salesman was very ________, and finally made the sale. (Latin: "present")  a) adjacent  b) reluctant  c) posed  d) persistent  e) inclined

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. No cheat sheet! You might use words more than once; you might not use them all.
mortified, philanthropy, prevaricate, subliminal, subsidize, aficionado, compulsive, mundane, congeal, avocation

  1. The lawyer tricked the witness into admitting his __________(ion).
  2. She was _________when her mom chaperoned the dance.
  3. There is a store downtown that caters to cigar __________(s).
  4. His ___________ for flying turned into a career as a pilot.
  5. Unfortunately, he was a ____________ gambler, and lost all his money in Vegas.
  6. He tried to ________ his gambling habit by taking side jobs, but he spent that money too.
  7. Life seemed so ____________ until she met the little leprechaun.
  8. If you let the sauce __________ on your plate, the dishwasher won't take it off.
  9. John and Lorraine made a prank phone call, pretending to be representing a ____________(ic) organization called the L & J Charity Fund.
  10. By some ____________ sense, I could feel his presence in the room, even though I couldn't see or hear him.
  11. proud : mortified :: exciting : _________
  12. The two brothers who hoarded stuff until it killed them, did so ___________(ly), not really able to stop themselves.
Finish MAUS II, Chapter 1 quiz. (12)
If it says (Quote) you must answer with a quote from the book.
  1. (Quote) Why did Artie's wife Francoise convert to the Jewish religion?
  2. (Quote) Why did Vladek call Artie all freaked out?
  3. As a kid, Artie's biggest competition for his parents' attention was...? (Be specific.)
  4. (Quote) Why does Artie say he wishes he had been in Auschwitz?
  5. (Quote) Why does Artie say is so hard about writing this book?
  6. What extreme example of Vladek's cheapness do we see in this chapter?
  7. If he is in Auschwitz now, why did Abraham write the letter to Vladek telling him to trust the smugglers?
  8. How was Vladek (and everyone else) expecting to leave Auschwitz? (Through the _________.)
  9. What made Vladek start to believe he might get through Auschwitz alive?
  10. How is Vladek able to help the Kapo?
  11. What does Vladek get out of this?
  12. (Quote) What happens to Mandelbaum in the end?  (Be careful.)

Discuss Chapter 2.

Chapter 3 is postponed until tomorrow.