Friday, 1/7/11
Prepare sheet for Test #14. Be sure to record your reading response scores (4 x 5p) and any non-clicker extra credit you may have earned.
Mental Floss.
  1. You've been told there's no such thing as half a hole. Is there such a thing as a quarter of one? Explain.
  2. What number comes next?
  3. What North American state is round on both sides and high in the middle?
  4. Fill in the blanks with four words, such that the first and the fourth are the same, while the second and the third are homonyms.
    A jailer ______  ______, and a jeweler ______  ______.
  5. Mr. Cheeselog wasted lots of money every day, and now he is a millionaire. How?
  6. At noon, you look at the old-school clock in your bedroom. The big hand is on the five and the little hand is in between the three and the four. What time is it?
  7. For each pair of words, move one letter from one word to the other to make a pair of synonyms.

  8. Example: boast -- hip.  Move the S and you get boat -- ship. The movement could go either way.
Test #14 (7th grade)

Eighth Grade: Record your two Maus II response scores and your Maus Quiz score (/12).
Test #14 (8th grade)