Wednesday, 1/12/11 - SEVENTH GRADE
Academic Words 5-3. Click and Copy.
  1. If you don't know whether it's a word or not, ________ your dictionary.  a) notion  b) enforce  c) generate  d) sustain  e) consult
  2. If you make excuses for a person with destructive behavior, they call that _________(ing).  a) logic  b) enable  c) sustain  d) conflict  e) generate
  3. Some people still have the ______ that the whole flight to the moon was a fake.  a) entity  b) clause  c) revenue  d) notion  e) capacity
  4. Soon you will have to _______ your own ideas for writing.  a) sustain  b) generate  c) consult  d) retain  e) transit
  5. Somewhere, in _________ between home and school, I lost my wallet.  a) orient  b) revenue  c) transit  d) retain  e) generate
  6. Even after he sold the business, he _______(ed) a small part of it.   a) consult  b) sustain  c) amend  d) retain  e) transit
Check how many sentences you owe on Friday.

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. NO CHEAT SHEET!

  1. If you search more methodically, instead of so _________(ly), you will be more likely to find whatever you're looking for.  a) escalate  b) exuberant  c) haphazard  d) suppress  e) indulgent
  2. Everyone in the library politely tried to __________ their giggles when Mr. Marinello walked into the wall.  a) escalate  b) exuberant  c) haphazard  d) suppress  e) indulge
  3. The Giver described Rosemary's eyes as being __________, unlike the dull eyes of the rest of the people of the community.  a) luminous  b) magnitude  c) haphazard  d) sinuous  e) suppressed
  4. The belly dancer glided __________(ly) across the room.  a) escalate  b) cult  c) haphazard  d) sinuous  e) indulgent
  5. He is so _________ when he plays baseball, he is just fun to watch.  a) magnitude  b) exuberant  c) haphazard  d) sinuous  e) anguished
  6. After the police mishandled the fight, it __________(ed) into a riot. a) escalate  b) exuberant  c) magnitude  d) sinuous  e) cult
  7. Jonas will soon find out  the ________ that war causes.  a) magnitude  b) exuberant  c) escalator  d) cult  e) anguish
  8. In 1978, 900 members of the __________ of followers of Jim Jones committed suicide by drinking poisoned Kool-Aid.  a) anguish  b) exuberant  c) haphazard  d) sinuous  e) cult
  9. The Pills _________ the Stirrings, as well as deep emotions.  a) escalate  b) exuberant  c) magnitude  d) suppress  e) indulge
  10. The _________ of Bill Gates's wealth is staggering. On average, since 1986, he has made over $3700 per minute, 24 hours a day.  a) escalate  b) magnitude  c) haphazard  d) sinuous  e) indulgent
  11. At the Ceremony, instead of frowning at the disturbance, all the adults __________(ed) the little ones up front, and chuckled at their squalling and squirming.  a) escalate  b) exuberant  c) haphazard  d) suppress  e) indulge

120 Seconds Continues.

Wednesday, 1/12/11 - EIGHTH GRADE
Academic Words 5-3. Click and Copy.

  1. You can't be _________ if you want to learn anything, you must play an active role in the process.  a) converse  b) coincide  c) coherent  d) mediate  e) passive
  2. If 3 + 5 =  8, then the ________ is also true; 5 + 3 = 8.  a) inherent  b) mutual  c) medium  d) compatible  e) converse
  3. The sailor was thrown in the brig for (in)_______(ion) for disobeying the captain's order.  a) subordinate  b) accommodate  c) supplement  d) converse  e) concurrent
  4. The date of the concert ____________(ed) with my brother's wedding, so I missed the wedding. a) inherent  b) coincide  c) medium  d) concurrent  e) coherent
  5. They say if you work hard enough you can ______________ any goal you desire.  a) behalf  b) converse  c) supplement  d) coincide  e) attain
  6. As a senior in high school he (was an overachiever who) was also ______(ly) enrolled in classes Cuesta.  a) inherent  b) coincide  c) medium  d) concurrent  e) coherent
Check how many sentences you owe on Friday.

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. NO CHEAT SHEET. liaison, connoisseur, putrid, fixation, hawk, succinct, oscillate, graft, demented

  1. The government doesn't like us here. We have to pay big ________ to keep our business.
  2. Even though the fluorescent lights look like they are continuously lit, they are really __________(ing) between on and off 60 times per second.
  3. Please try to be as ___________ as possible when you explain your qualifications in the interview.
  4. The _________ took one look at the "antiques" at the auction, and left.
  5. The SLOPD employs several college student ____________(s) to help them keep parties from getting out of control.
  6. Sigmund Freud said that we all start life with an oral _________. That's why babies suck their thumbs.
  7. His speech at the meeting was very ________, so we got out of there on time.
  8. Most of the criminals on CSI are ___________ in some way.
  9. After several skin __________(s), his burns started to heal.
  10. On CSI, they often have to handle corpses that have become _________. (EWWW.)
  11. Many web sites have pop-up ads that __________ useless merchandise and services.

120 Seconds Continues.