Monday, 1/24/11 - Late Start Schedule.
Welcome to the Second Semester!

Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. Quotation Marks. Copy into notebook

  1. Whenever a different person speaks in a dialogue, we start a new paragraph.  a) True  b) False
  2. Periods and question marks always go inside the end quotation marks.  a) True  b) False
  3. "Didn't James give you the message?" asked Dot.  a) Correct  b) Incorrect
  4. "My mom," said Piper, "loves to cook. She is always trying new recipes."  a) Correct  b) Incorrect
  5. Jessee told me, "that she didn't have any money to pay the Popple Mafia."  a) Correct  b) Incorrect

Go over Benchmark III.

 The Giver aloud.

Copy homework into assignment book.

Pigman I -- Intro.
Agree or Disagree. Rate each statement 1-5 (1 = strongly disagree, 3 = no opinion, 5 = strongly agree).

   1. Most adults just don’t remember what it was like to be young.
   2. Parents should trust their children.
   3. Teenagers shouldn’t drink alcohol at all.
   4. There’s no harm in a few practical jokes.
   5. A person can’t be used unless he lets himself be used.
   6. No one can really force you to do anything you don’t want to do.
   7. A child learns his values from his parents.
   8. You can tell how a kid was raised by his/her behavior and attitude.
   9. Old people are usually boring.
   10. Young people are often rebellious for no obvious reason.
   11. Age usually equals wisdom.
   12. Genetics are more important than environment in determining what kind of person you are.
   13. I have done something I truly regret. (Not just because I got caught.)

Begin The Pigman aloud.