Thursday, 1/27/11 - SEVENTH GRADE
Tomorrow's Test: Spelling, Vocabulary, Giver, Warm Ups, Shtuff we have discussed this week.
Correction to yesterday's quiz: I threw out question 5.
Warm Up. Copy. Use your spelling AND vocabulary lists to choose the correct word for each blank.
  1. realistic : imaginary :: environmental : ________
  2. primary : secondary :: _________ : final
  3. complicated : elementary :: social : ________
  4. complimentary : insulting :: clumsy : __________
  5. desert : parched :: unicorn : _______
  6. forced : voluntary :: energetic : ______

Giver Q/A.
Giver Quiz (19/20)

  1. The Giver does not think that Jonas should watch that morning's release of the twin, because he thinks he might not be able to handle it.  a) True  b) False
  2. When the Giver asks to see the tape of the twin's release, the attendant hesitates, because it's such an unusual request.  a) True  b) False
  3. Why does The Giver keep telling Jonas to be quiet?  a) He is annoyed by Jonas's chatter  b) He wants Jonas to pay attention and watch the screen  c) He is afraid someone is listening to their conversation  d) He has a headache  e) NOTA
  4. The Giver has lied to Jonas before. a) True  b) False
  5. What does The Giver say is the worst part of  holding the memories? a) the loneliness  b) the pain  c) the emptiness  d) the sorrow  e) all of the above
  6. How long has Jonas been in training with the Giver?  a) a few weeks  b) a few months  c) a year  d) a couple of years  e) There's no way to tell.
  7. What plan do The Giver and Jonas make?  a) They will both escape the community together.  b) Jonas will break the rules three times so he has to be Released.  c) Jonas will start releasing memories to people in the Community to show them what they're missing. d) Nothing; they will continue on as normal because there's nothing they can do.  e) NOTA
  8. The Giver gives Jonas memories of people escaping to help him with the plan.  a) True  b) False
  9. The Giver makes Jonas understand that caring about others is the meaning of everything.  a) True  b) False
  10. What was the Giver's first sign that he had the power to receive memories like Jonas?  a) He saw colors like Jonas.  b) He was able to feel pain even with medication.  c) He was able to hear music.  d) He was able to feel emotions even with the pills.  e) NOTA
  11. What's the Giver's plan when his and Jonas's plan is finished?  a) To go Elsewhere like Jonas.  b) To hide so the Community doesn't punish him.  c) To become leader of the Community  d) To die.  e) NOTA
  12. Whom does Rosemary turn out to have been?  a) Jonas's "sister"  b) the Giver's spouse  c) the Giver's sister  d) an outsider  e) NOTA

120 Seconds.


Thursday, 1/27/11 - EIGHTH GRADE
Tomorrow's Test: Spelling, Vocabulary, Pigman--hold off on Chapter 6 tonight. We'll read that on Monday. Chapter 5 will be on the test, Warm Ups, Shtuff we have discussed this week.
Warm Up. Copy. Use your spelling AND vocabulary lists to choose the correct word for each blank.

  1. mature : infantile :: refuse : ________
  2. soldiers : regiment :: pottery : _______
  3. shack : hovel :: story : _______
  4. disgusting : vile :: near-at-hand : ________
  5. curvy : voluptuous :: aware : ______
  6. reason : rationale :: routine : ______

"Our youths love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders, and love to chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not servants of their households. They no longer rise when their elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up their food, and tyrannize their teachers."
The quote above has been widely circulated to show how "kids today" are so much worse than they used to be. When was the quote supposedly written?  a) 1900  b) 400 BC  c) During the time of Jesus.  d) 2008 e) 1440  f) 1955  g) 1860

Let's look at your interviews.
Interviews.  Go over your interview notes. On your notecard, please record:

If you have not completed your interview, use the card to record who you plan to interview, and what questions you plan to ask.

Finished Product due next Friday, 2/4/11.

120 Seconds

Match the punchline with the joke:
  • a) Why is it hard to keep a secret in the winter? 
  • b) What colour is the wind? 
  • c) What do you call a camel with no humps?
  • d) Why can't a bicycle stand on its own?
  • e) Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a...
  • Blue.
  • Banana.
  • Humphrey.
  • Your teeth chatter.
  • Too tired.