Thursday, 6/2/11 (10)
  1. Example : fee ( TIP ) end.

  2.           container ( ___ ___ ___ ) shock
  3. Can you figure out these common expressions?

  4. a) The second letter of the alphabet + the opposite of more + a female sheep
    b)The 16th letter of the alphabet + to rent
    c)  Former + sticks used for pool + not you
  5. Find the President hidden in each sentence.
    a) The weird dictator said that he would build magenta dams.

  6. b) The man told his mother that he wouldn't be home for dinner.
    c) I was going to take the bus home, but I missed it.
  7. Each group of three definitions describes three words that are spelled the same, except for one letter. Example: king, ring, wing.

  8. a) finished, to sleep lightly, a measured quantity
    b) covered, mollusk, applaud
    c) furtive, to secretly observe, your room (haha)

Seventh Grade:
Quiz for "The Third Expedition." Write the answers in your notebook. For the m/c and t/f questions, be sure to write the answer and not only the letter.

  1. What do the people of Earth think happened to the first two expeditions?
  2. When they first approach Mars, one of the men says that the fact that Mars looks this way might be proof ... a) that life exists on Mars.  b) that Earth and Mars evolved together.  c) that the Martians will be friendly.  d) that God exists.  e) that the Martians are trying to trick them.
  3. The rising action begins almost right away when they land on the green lawn and see the town.  a) True  b) False
  4. One of the men's theories is that people from Earth came to Mars in secret long ago.  a) True. b) False.
  5. The first old lady's reaction to the men is similar to another Martian/Earthman encounter. Which one? ___________
  6. When Captain Black says he's from Earth, she says... a) "That other Earth?"  b) "Out of the ground, do you mean?"  c) "The third planet?"  d) "Do you mean Tyrr?"  e) None of the above.
  7. When Lustig sees his grandparents, we find out they've been dead for 30 years. Lustig reacts to finding them alive... a) fearfully.  b) suspiciously.  c) disbelievingly. d) calmly.  e) sadly
  8. Lustig's grandmother says that they are in a type of heaven. a) True.  b) False.
  9. What causes the men to abandon ship, against the captain's orders?
  10. Captain Black thinks that the Martians chose Lustig's memories of his grandparents' house and town to create this illusion.  a) True.  b) False.
  11. Why does Captain Black think the Martians chose the year 1926 for the illusion?
  12. Why does Captain Black think the Martians might have done this?
  13. "But you're not thirsty." Who said?
  14. "He never reached the door."  a) exposition  b) falling action  c) climax  d) resolution  e) rising action
  15. The funeral scene would be considered the...  a) exposition  b) falling action  c) climax  d) resolution  e) rising action

Video: "The Third Expedition" in a 1970's stylie. (28 min.)

Eighth Grade:
Warm Up: Petals Around the Rose
Once you figure it out, REVEAL NOTHING!
The Million Pound Bank Note

Quiz for after:

  1. What's the real reason Henry doesn't want to go to London with Hastings?  a) He hates London.  b) He thinks Hastings' business venture would fail.  c) He thought he would be fired.  d) His wife won't let him go.  e) NOTA
  2. How does he end up in London anyway?
  3. The play's rising action begins when...a) Henry shows up in London anyway.  b) the brothers call him into their house.  c) Henry sees that there is money in the envelope.  d) Mr. Hawkins doesn't make Henry pay for his meal.  e) Henry trying to get the pear in the gutter.
  4. A "situation" or "position" in this story means a __________.
  5. (QUOTE) When Mr. Smedley sees the bank note, show how he tries to imply that millionaires shop at his store all the time.
  6. Henry's inability to spend the bank note is part of the... a) exposition.  b) rising action.  c) conflict.  d) climax.  e) resolution.
  7. What does Henry mean by the expression, "It turned my head..."? (p271)
  8. (QUOTE) How does Henry help Hastings?
  9. (QUOTE) Why does Sir Alfred decide to invest?
  10. The brothers say that they decided to use Henry for the bet after talking to him, but they also say that something else really sealed the deal. What?
  11. Which scene is the climax of the story?
  12. At the end, Henry says that he "got the article for only about a tenth part of its value." What is the "article"?
    [Read the poem after the story ("We Alone" p279), and answer the rest of the questions.]
  13. Walker's point about the value of gold in the first sentence is...a) that gold is valuable because of what it is.  b) that gold is only valuable because we have decided it is.  c) that money is the most important thing. d) that we shouldn't care about gold.
  14. What does she mean by the line "wherever there is gold there is a chain"?  a) We make gold chains for jewelry.  b) That gold "chains" us all together.  c) There is a price to be paid for valuing gold too much.  d) Gold is strong.
  15. How does this poem connect to the story of The Million Pound Bank Note?  a) Henry values gold.  b) Everyone suddenly decides that Henry is valuable when he has the bank note, so he becomes valuable; just like gold.  c) Having the bank note made Henry rich, like gold.  d) Henry is so good, he's like gold.

Read "Found Money" on p283.
What do you think of the last line: "...much less a teenager"?