Wednesday, 3/2/11-- SEVENTH GRADE. Remember: Rough Draft of Essay Is Due Tomorrow!
Warm Up. Copy into notebook. The answer will be a spelling word. OK, fine.
  1. "un-build thing" = ___________
  2. "together feel-ness" = _________
  3. "many fold thing" = ________
  4. building : structure :: teacher : _________
  5. simplicity : complexity :: disagreement : _________
  6. "Silence equals consent" means if you don't say no, you are ______(ly) saying yes.

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.

  1. She scraped her knee ______(ing) around on the blacktop.  a) delusion  b) relish  c) propagate  d) caper  e) blasphemy
  2. Roman culture was able to blend the _____ (example: art) and the practical (example: aquaduct) sides of life. a) relish  b) blasphemy  c) aesthetic  d) solicitous  e) cynical
  3. In order for a species to survive, it must _______ itself.  a) propagate  b) lineage  c) blasphemy  d) delusion  e) solicitous
  4. Some people say that it is only a ________ that there is life after death.  a) cynical  b) visage  c) relish  d) delusion  e) aesthetic
  5. (re: #4) Other, more religious, people would consider that idea ___________.   a) propagate  b) lineage  c) blasphemy  d) delusion  e) solicitious
  6. He ate his hamburger with great ______, savoring every bite.  a) cynical  b) delusion  c) propagate  d) caper  e) relish
  7. naive : savvy :: optimistic : ____  a) visage  b) cynical  c) delusion  d) lineage  e) caper
  8. His family's ____ here in the U.S. was very long, stretching all the way back to the Mayflower. a) relish  b) lineage  c) cynical  d) delusion  e) propagate
  9. Some plants can be __________(ed) through cuttings rather than seeds.  a)  propagate b) lineage  c) cynical  d) delusion  e) blasphemy
  10. In Chicago, it's _________ to insult the Cubs or the Bears. a) propagate   b) blasphemy  c) cynical  d) caper  e) delusion
  11. I appreciated his _____________ inquiry about my health  a) prolific  b) caper  c) aesthetic  d) solicitous   e) cynical
  12. It was always nice to see his smiling __________.   a) cynical  b) visage  c) relish  d) delusion  e) aesthetic

Charlotte 19.

  1. Charlotte thought that the reason the crew didn't speak up in her defense was that they thought she really did it.  a) True.  b) False.
  2. During her "trial," why didn't Charlotte tell Jaggery that she thought Zachariah had committed the murder?  a) She didn't think Jaggery would believe her.  b) She felt sorry for Zachariah.  c) She promised Zachariah that she wouldn't.  d) She wanted Zachariah to be able to attempt his plan of reporting Jaggery.  e) None of the above.
  3. What is Zachariah talking about when he uses an old sailors' expression, "the Devil will tie any knot, save the hangman's noose. That Jack does for himself"? (p179)  a) That Captain Jaggery is like the Devil.  b) That Charlotte is going to the Devil for what she did.  c) By keeping quiet about what she knows, she's just helping Jaggery.  d) That whoever did kill Hollybrass is going to the Devil.  e) None of the above.
  4. Hollybrass was Jaggery's only friend, but Jaggery hated Charlotte so much that he killed him anyway to frame Charlotte.  a) True.  b) False.
  5. Charlotte realizes that Jaggery considered three people on the Seahawk threats to his power and control. Which three?  a) Hollybrass, Charlotte, Keetch   b) Zachariah, Charlotte, Keetch  c) Charlotte, Hollybrass, Fisk  d) Zachariah, Charlotte, Hollybrass  e) None of the above.
  6. Why is Jaggery in such a hurry to hang Charlotte?  a) He hates her so much.  b) They are almost to Providence.  c) He's not; 24 hours is the usual time.  d) He wants to scare the crew into not talking.  e) NOTA



Wednesday, 3/2/11-- EIGHTH GRADE. Remember: PIGMAN PROJECT Is Due Tomorrow!

First: Copy the roots for this week:  vert = turn,  spir = breathe
Spelling Pretest 14.  Old School. You get one free: #17 is aspires. (Yes, it's wrong on the sheet.)
Trade and correct.

NOW we can do the warm up.
Warm Up. Copy into notebook. The answer will be a spelling word. OK, fine.

  1.  "again turn" = __________
  2.  "year turn thing" = __________
  3.  "outward turning person" = ___________
  4.  "again breathe thing" = ____________
  5.  horizontal : vertical :: begins : _________(s)
  6. ally : adversary :: agreement : _________


Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.

  1. Catherine tried to __________ Mom's anger by doing that boo boo lip thing.  a) wheedle  b) insidious  c) appease  d) cadence  e) imperative
  2. friendly : rude :: optional : ________  a) paradox  b) insidious  c) appease  d) disconsolate  e) imperative
  3. "Of this offense Buck was unwittingly guilty, and the first knowledge he had of his _________ was when  Sol-leks whirled upon him and slashed his shoulder to the bone for three inches up and down."  a) ignominious  b) paradox  c) disconsolate  d) imperative  e) indiscretion
  4. Addiction usually occurs __________(ly), progressing little by little.  a) ignominious  b) insidious  c) appease  d) disconsolate  e) imperative
  5. Second period wanted to __________ an extra day for the assignment out of cranky Mr. Coward...  a) cadence  b) insidious  c) appease  d) disconsolate  e) wheedle
  6. they tried to ___________ him by bringing in cookies.   a) inexorable  b) appease  c) indiscretion  d) paradox  e) disconsolate
  7. "There was an ________ need to be constantly alert; for these dogs and men were not town dogs and men. They were savages, all of them; who knew no law but the law of club and fang."     a) ignominious  b) paradox  c) disconsolate  d) imperative  e) indiscretion
  8. They "bombarded him with curses and cooking utensils, till he recovered from his consternation and fled __________(ly) into the cold." He was humiliated and angry. a) ignominious  b) paradox  c) appease  d) imperative  e) indiscretion
  9. The aging process is _________ , often __________, and sometimes _______...  a) imperative, wheedle, disconsolate  b) cadence, inexorable, imperative  c) inexorable, insidious, ignominious  d) appease, ignominious, paradox  e) disconsolate, imperative, indiscretion
  10. "Left, left, left, right, left!" The drill sergeant counted the ___________ for the new recruits as they marched.  a) cadence  b) insidious  c) appease  d) disconsolate  e) wheedle
  11. A person from the island of Crete asserts, "All Cretans are liars." This is an example of a(n) __________.  a) ignominious  b) paradox  c) appease  d) imperative  e) indiscretion
  12. "He lay down on the snow and attempted to sleep, but the frost soon drove him shivering to his feet. Miserable and ______, he wandered about among the many tents, only to find that one place was as cold as another."  a) paradox  b) insidious  c) appease  d) disconsolate  e) imperative

Prepositions Pink Sheet (PPS)