Monday, 3/7/11 - Late Start Schedule
Copy homework into assignment book.
Go over Test 21 (7th grade), Test 20 (8th grade)
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
Academic Words I.
  1. After a long series of mistakes, the ________ result was that the project failed.  a) adapt  b) simulate  c) comprehensive  d) ultimate  e) phenomenon
  2. After moving to a new city, she had to ________ to a new school, and new ways of doing things.  a) submit  b) adapt  c) simulate  d) innovate  e) differentiate
  3. Your research paper should start with a ________ that you will set out to prove or disprove through your research.  a) comprehensive  b) phenomenon  c) successor  d) hierarchy  e) thesis
  4. The band was _________(ed) of four members: bass, drums, and two guitars.  a) comprise  b) differentiate  c) advocate  d) comprehensive  e) dispose
  5. Tomorrow we will have a ___________ exam that will test everything we should have covered by now.  a) comprise  b) ultimate  c) comprehensive  d) confirm  e) finite
  6. There is only a ________ amount of oil in the Earth; once it's gone, it's gone...  a) comprise  b) ultimate  c) comprehensive  d) confirm  e) finite
  7. ...and at the rate we are _________(ing) it from the ground, that won't be more than in about 100 years.  a) prohibit  b) extract  c) dispose  d) convert  e) innovate

Seventh Grade: Read Charlotte 22.

Eighth Grade: Read pages 144-147 in hardback Lit. book. Answer the questions after.

  1. What was one of the earliest inspirations that drew Jack London to writing?
  2. London took his first job when he was...a) 7.  b) 10.  c) 15.  d) 17.
  3. London's first short story was based on his experience on a...
  4. What persuaded London to go back to high school?
  5. After how many years of high school was he able to get into UC Berkeley?
  6. What had the largest influence on London's writing?
  7. His most successful piece of writing was...
  8. When he became rich from his writing, he continued to crusade in support of...?
  9. The Klondike gold rush began in what year?
  10. As many as __________ people participated.
  11. The police made people turn back if they didn't have...