Wednesday, 3/9/11
Warm Up. Academic Words 7-3. Click and Copy 1-6. Just click on 7-10.
  1. The dying dictator has not yet named a ___________. (Nobody is sure who will rule after he is dead.)  a) comprehensive  b) phenomenon  c) successor  d) hierarchy  e) thesis
  2. ___________ to popular belief, dogs do not really have a consciousness, (and do not think as people do.) a) advocate  b) phenomenon  c) dispose  d) submit  e) contrary
  3. I hope you know how to _________ a fraction into a decimal. (Otherwise, you won't pass this class.)   a) prohibit  b) extract  c) dispose  d) convert  e) innovate
  4. Teachers these days are being asked to ______ instruction for various levels of students. a) submit  b) adapt  c) simulate  d) innovate  e) differentiate
  5. Please _______ your 600 words by the end of the period tomorrow.  a) comprise  b) contrary  c) comprehensive  d) confirm  e) submit
  6. Your lawyer is supposed to act as your ________ in the courtroom, and plead your case.  a) advocate  b) phenomenon  c) successor  d) submit  e) contrary
  7. The training the employee received was NOT __________; it only covered the bare basics of the job.  a) adapt  b) phenomenon  c) finite  d) comprehensive  e) ultimate
  8. There was a rumor going around school, but it was just (un)__________(ed) gossip.  a) phenomenon  b) confirm  c) comprise  d) adapt  e) prohibit
  9. The employees at Google are encouraged to _________, and come up with new ideas.  a) differentiate  b) simulate  c) extract  d) confirm  e) innovate
  10. The police can't resort to torture to ________ a confession from a suspect. (In the case of seventh graders, however...)  a) prohibit  b) extract  c) dispose  d) submit  e) simulate



Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.

  1. First Period can sometimes be a bit _________. But a little gentle persuasion with the Stick usually calms them down.  a) jovial  b) zeal  c) redress  d) raucous  e) laudatory
  2. I was very happy with the _________ comments the teacher wrote on my paper.   a) impudent  b) zeal  c) insubordinate  d) raucous  e) laudatory
  3. The American Revolution happened because the king sought an absolute ________ over the colonies.  a) impudent  b) tyranny  c) insubordinate  d) contingency  e) surly
  4. He sued the man who hit his car for _________ of damages.  a) redress  b) zeal  c) insubordinate  d) raucous  e) impudent
  5. I am never going back to that store because of their _______ employees who refuse to help you.  a) jovial  b) zealous  c) contingency  d) tyranny  e) surly
  6. ______ and _____ are pretty similar in meaning.   a) zeal/impudent  b) surly/raucous  c) surly/impudent  d) jovial/laudatory  e) tyranny/contingency
  7. The image of Santa is a ________, smiling fat man with a beard.   a) laudatory  b) raucous  c) surly  d) impudent  e) jovial
  8. The family had some money set aside as a __________ fund, in case Dad lost his job.  a) impudent  b) tyranny  c) insubordinate  d) contingency  e) surly
  9. The detective was _______ in her pursuit of the kidnappers.   a) jovial  b) surly  c) contingency  d) zealous  e) tyranny
  10. If you are _______ to the guest teacher, you must write 50 times: I must be respectful and OBEDIENT for the guest teacher.  a) jovial  b) insubordinate  c) contingency  d) zealous  e) laudatory
  11. ____ and _____ would be antonyms. a) raucous/insubordinate  b) contingency/tyranny  c) insubordinate/impudent  d) zeal/tyranny  e) jovial/surly
  12. The US is a tyranny.  a) True  b) False
  13. The camp counselors enforced regulations with excessive _______.  a) impudence  b) zeal  c) insubordinate  d) raucous  e) laudatory

Quiz on "Mary Patten."  Write out the answers in your notebook. (10)

  1. Like Charlotte, Mary didn't really know what she was doing when she took over Neptune's Car.  a) True  b) False
  2. What was the purpose of the voyage on which she took command?  a) cargo  b) passengers  c) exploration  d) pleasure  e) other (say what)
  3. How old was Mary when she took over?  a) 14  b) 16  c) 18  d) 20  e) other (say how old)
  4. (2) What happened to the captain and first mate that made it so she had to take over?
  5. (3) What are the two main things that caused Neptune's Car to finish _____ in the race?
  6. (2) What was the reaction of the ship's owners to Mary's run as captain?


PINK Sheet: Adverbs! Lollys!


Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.

  1. On CSI, they often are able to lift _________ fingerprints that are almost invisible to the naked eye.  a) insular  b) latent  c) antic  d) impending  e) imperious
  2. The skater showed great ___________ as he nailed the 720.     a) surmount  b) latent  c) antic  d) egotistical  e) prowess
  3. After Halloween, my candy cravings were ________(ed) for a while.    a) surmount  b) latent  c) sate  d) egotistical  e) wont
  4. When Tom and Becky's candle went out in the cave, Becky just sat down and waited for the _______ doom.   a) demense  b) impending  c) antic  d) egotistical  e) prowess
  5. It was his _______ to have pizza every day at break.    a) antic  b) latent  c) sate  d) egotistical  e) wont
  6. "This class is not a democracy," said Mrs. Negranti ___________(ly)...   a) insular  b) latent  c) antic  d) impending  e) imperious
  7. she is _________ to do...    a) egotistical  b) latent  c) wont  d) demense  e) antic
  8. "...This classroom is my personal __________, and I am King!"   a) egotistical  b) latent  c) antic  d) demense  e) prowess
  9. Many Middle Eastern countries are very ____________; they don't like to have any outside influences, especially from the U.S.   a) insular  b) latent  c) antic  d) impending  e) imperious
  10. The __________(s) of Second Period often try Mr. Coward's patience.  a) surmount  b) imperious  c) antic  d) egotistical  e) prowess
  11. It wasn't until late in life that his ______   ______ for designing cars was realized and he found his true career.  a) egotistical antic  b) latent prowess  c) imperious demense  d) insular antic  e) egotistical wont
  12. It is somewhat natural for people with great _______ to be a bit ______ about it.   a) latent/imperious  b) antics/insular  c) prowess/egotistical  d) sate/latent  e) impending imperious
  13. While things might seem hopeless, I think these obstacles are __________(able).  a) impending  b) prowess  c) imperious  d) surmount  e) wont


Finish/Correct Jack London Bio.

  1. What was one of the earliest inspirations that drew Jack London to writing?
  2. London took his first job when he was...a) 7.  b) 10.  c) 15.  d) 17.
  3. London's first short story was based on his experience on a...
  4. What persuaded London to go back to high school?
  5. After how many years of high school was he able to get into UC Berkeley?
  6. What had the largest influence on London's writing?
  7. His most successful piece of writing was...
  8. When he became rich from his writing, he continued to crusade in support of...?
  9. The Klondike gold rush began in what year?
  10. As many as __________ people participated.
  11. The police made people turn back if they didn't have...


King of Mazy May II. Quiz tomorrow. (Just like study questions.)
A ton of stuff?  Up that?
More pics.

Postpone first COW reading assignment to tomorrow.