Monday, 3/14/11 - Late Start Schedule
Copy homework into assignment book.

Go over Test 22. (8th grade: Test #21)

Warm Up. Copy. Use the spelling list.

  1. theory : valid :: judge : _______ (2)
  2. car : vehicle :: guarantee : ________
  3. detour : temporary :: treasure : _______ (2)
  4. restaurant : menu :: tourist : ________
  5. _______ and _______ are similar in meaning.

7th Grade Warm Up II.

"It is not only fate, but how a man responds to the blows dealt to him by fate, that determines his true destiny."
What does this mean?

Begin reading.

8th Grade Warm Up II.

"...he had a fine pride in himself, was even a trifle egotistical, as country gentlemen sometimes become because of their insular situation..."

  1. (1) In this excerpt from The Call of the Wild, Jack London is describing a dog, Buck. What do we call this technique of giving human characteristics to non-human things?
  2. (1) "Translate" the above excerpt.
  Begin reading.