Wednesday, 3/30/11
Seventh Grade: "Thank You M'am" Videos.

Part One and Part Two.  Try to ignore the cheesy music in Part II

Finish DWA.

Write a complete essay in which you explain how "Thank You M'am" by Langston Hughes shows the importance of trust. Be sure to include a thesis statement in your introduction.  Support all ideas with full paragraphs built around evidence from the story. You may also describe an experience of your own to make your point about Hughes's theme. Be sure to explain how the experience relates to the importance of trust in the story.


If you are finished early:
MadLib: The Giver
Up to +10:  +1/2 for each correct PoS, up to +3 for funny!

If time after all are finished:
Return Essays (7th grade).
Return Perfect III/IV.
Start reviewing BM III.