Monday, 5/2/11 (32) Late Start Schedule
Copy homework into assignment book.

Topic Stuff for Research. Due next Tuesday...TYPED.

AW 1-7. Click and Copy.

  1. Mom's ________ answer to my question didn't really answer my question. a) implicit  b) fluctuate  c) clarify  d) ambiguous  e) crucial
  2. With so little time left on the clock, and the score so one-sided, the outcome was ___________.  a) ambiguous  b) inevitable  c) succinct  d) fluctuate  e) reinforce
  3. The king didn't follow any written laws, and his punishments seemed very ______ and unfair.  a) inevitable  b) succinct  c) irrevocable  d) reinforce  e) arbitrary
  4. Please do not ramble; make your answers as ______ as possible.  a) exploit  b) contemporary  c) succinct  d) arbitrary  e) reinforce
  5. The teacher had the class repeat the rule several times to ______ how important it was.  a) reinforce  b) accumulate  c) exploit  d) displace  e) deficit
  6. Thousand of people were _________(ed)  by Hurricane Katrina, and had to find new homes.  a) crucial  b) displace  c) deviate  d) collateral  e) fluctuate
  7. The quarterback was able to ________ a weakness in the defense, and threw for four touchdowns.  a) induce  b) accumulate  c) exploit  d) displace  e) denote
Outlining Intro.