Thursday, 5/5/11(29)
Test Tomorrow: Spelling, Academic Words, Outlining, Topic Questions, Etc.
Warm Up. Write the answer for each in your notebook and click!
  1. The man's blood pressure _________(ed) wildly right before his heart attack.  a) exploit  b) denote  c) clarify  d) fluctuate  e) minimize
  2. Even in ______ slang, the word cool still means good.  a) contemporary  b) arbitrary  c) ambiguous  d) succinct  e) implicit
  3. Our _________ choice for where to stay turned out to be a good one...this time.  a) denotation  b) arbitrary  c) deviate  d) fluctuate  e) succinct
  4. The guest teacher _________(ed) from the lesson plan, and spent the period showing a video.  a) denote  b) exploit  c) manipulate  d) arbitrary  e) deviate
  5. The Titanic _________(ed) more than 13 million gallons of water, making it the world's largest ship at the time.  a) accumulated  b) displace  c) arbitrary  d) induce  e) fluctuate
  6. The burglar exploited the unlocked door to gain easy access to the house. This is an example of the correct use of the word exploit.  a) True  b) False
  7. They made a movie about the _______(s) of the famous world traveler.  a) exploit  b) denote  c) clarify  d) fluctuate  e) minimize
Test Practice: Choose the incorrectly spelled word, write it correctly, and click. DO NOT LOOK AT THE LIST!
  1. a) personel  b) personal  c) referral  d) all correct
  2. a) occupation  b) recommend  c) occurrance  d) all correct
  3. a) committee b) essential  c) broccoli  d) all correct
  4. a) summary  b) trespassing  c) possesion  d) all correct
  5. a) accommadate  b) embarrass c) affectionate  d) all correct
  6. a) harrassment  b) bulletin  c) cancellation  d) all correct
  7. a) possibility  b) necessary  c) renaissance  d) all correct
  8. a) acclaim  b) eventually  c) dillemma  d) all correct
  9. The Latin prefix ambi- (the Greek form is ampho-) means...  a) two  b) unclear  c) both  d) neither  e) some   (As in ambiguous, ambidextrous, and amphibian.) 
    Good Topic Question or Not?
  10. How did Elvis die?   a) = good  b = not
  11. Are there cures for diabetes?   a) = good  b = not
  12. The subject of the "Automobile" outline.   a) = good  b = not
  13. Should there be a holiday for Cesar Chavez?   a) = good  b = not


Throw out yesterday's clicking for "Eagles." If you have the squiggle, you get full credit.
"Face to Face with Twins"   Read p 617 and complete fraternal twins section of the outline. (partners, separate sheet into folder)
I. Identical twins
   A. One egg splits into 2
   B. Identical genes
      1. 2 girls
      2. 2 boys
   C. Occur once every 250 births

II. Fraternal twins


Q/A for Research Handout.