Wednesday, 5/25/11 (15)
Seventh Grade:
Warm Up. Copy. Use your vocabulary sheet.
  1. ** drab : vivid :: enthusiastic : _______
  2. ** First period thanked Mr. Coward _____(ly) when he had mercy on them.
  3. ** Sam's curiosity is _____; he just has to know everybody else's business.
  4. ** decisive : ambiguous :: hostile : ________
  5. The root form of insatiable is sate, which means to _______.

YEE #1 (First Official Attempt)

Finish "OODWP"
Quiz. Write out the answer in your notebook.

  1. Mr. Johnson began the day feeling... a) rushed.  b) hopeful.  c) cheerful.  d) lazy. e) all of the above.
  2. When Mr. Johnson met the woman moving to Vermont, her mood was one of... a) anger.  b) anxiety. c) excitement. d) depression. e) all of the above.
  3. Unlike the other pedestrians on the avenue, Mr. Johnson was... a) in a hurry.  b) window shopping.  c) relaxed and patient.  d) on his way to work.  e) none of the above.
  4. Throughout the day, Mr. Johnson seemed intent on... a) finding fault with everything.  b) putting people into uncomfortable situations.  c) gaining people's confidence so that he could take advantage of them.  d) surprising people with acts of kindness.  e) none of the above.
  5. (2) p 358 Comprehension Check #3 (3rd bullet question)
  6. (2) p 358 Think Critically #3. Be sure to explain why you think so.
  7. (5) p 359 Do the 5 vocabulary questions. You may use the book.
  8. (1) Explain how the ending is ironic.


Eighth Grade:
YEE #1 (First Official Attempt)

Quiz on "The Lottery" (7p)

  1. (quote) Mrs. Jackson actually foreshadows the ending very early in the story. What is our first clue?
  2. How do they decide in what order to draw for the lottery?
  3. The are actually two rounds to the lottery. Explain.
  4. What is on the slip of paper Tessie Hutchinson draws that signifies she is the "winner"?
  5. (quote) In the last paragraph, there is an especially horrifying line that shows just how deeply the lottery has warped this village. Quote it.
  6. How could the villagers argue that Tessie was wrong when she says at the end, "It isn't fair"?
  7. What ancient cultural practice is similar to the lottery?
  8. (bonus for extra credit +2) Old Man Warner actually says something that shows the original purpose of the lottery. Quote him.
Finish "Charles"  (10)
  1. (quote) When Laurie's mother wonders to her husband whether kindergarten might have a bad influence on Laurie, what does her husband say?
  2. How is this ironic?
  3. What expression does Laurie's family use when things go wrong?
  4. (3) Give three examples of foreshadowing that Shirley Jackson uses to clue you in about the ending.
  5. (quote) If it was Charles that had to stay after school, what's Laurie's excuse for also being late?
  6. (2) At the PTA meeting, what makes the narrator think that Charles's mother is not there?
  7. (quote) Do you think that Laurie's parents knew all along, and just didn't want to admit it? Or were they truly shocked? Find a quote that backs up what you say.


"The Million Pound Bank Note" Adapted from Mark Twain (p264)

How do you decide whether someone is trustworthy if you don't already know them?
Why do we trust people with money more than people without money?
Do actor/sports star/celebrity endorsements work? Then why do corporations spend millions on them?