Thursday, 5/26/11 (14)  OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT @ 6:30! BBQ @ 5:30.
Seventh Grade:
YEE #2

Finish OODWP Quiz / Correct

  1. Mr. Johnson began the day feeling... a) rushed.  b) hopeful.  c) cheerful.  d) lazy. e) all of the above.
  2. When Mr. Johnson met the woman moving to Vermont, her mood was one of... a) anger.  b) anxiety. c) excitement. d) depression. e) all of the above.
  3. Unlike the other pedestrians on the avenue, Mr. Johnson was... a) in a hurry.  b) window shopping.  c) relaxed and patient.  d) on his way to work.  e) none of the above.
  4. Throughout the day, Mr. Johnson seemed intent on... a) finding fault with everything.  b) putting people into uncomfortable situations.  c) gaining people's confidence so that he could take advantage of them.  d) surprising people with acts of kindness.  e) none of the above.
  5. (2) p 358 Comprehension Check #3 (3rd bullet question)
  6. (2) p 358 Think Critically #3. Be sure to explain why you think so.
  7. (5) p 359 Do the 5 vocabulary questions. You may use the book.
  8. (1) Explain how the ending is ironic.

Martian Chronicles: "The Third Expedition"  (Yes, There's a video that goes with this!)
What happened to the Second Expedition?

Eighth Grade:
YEE #2

Finish "OODWP"
Quiz. Write out the answer in your notebook.

  1. Mr. Johnson began the day feeling... a) rushed.  b) hopeful.  c) cheerful.  d) lazy. e) all of the above.
  2. When Mr. Johnson met the woman moving to Vermont, her mood was one of... a) anger.  b) anxiety. c) excitement. d) depression. e) all of the above.
  3. Unlike the other pedestrians on the avenue, Mr. Johnson was... a) in a hurry.  b) window shopping.  c) relaxed and patient.  d) on his way to work.  e) none of the above.
  4. Throughout the day, Mr. Johnson seemed intent on... a) finding fault with everything.  b) putting people into uncomfortable situations.  c) gaining people's confidence so that he could take advantage of them.  d) surprising people with acts of kindness.  e) none of the above.
  5. (2) p 358 Comprehension Check #3 (3rd bullet question)
  6. (2) p 358 Think Critically #3. Be sure to explain why you think so.
  7. (5) p 359 Do the 5 vocabulary questions. You may use the book.
  8. (1) Explain how the ending is ironic.

The Million Pound Bank Note  (p264-green)
How do you decide whether someone is trustworthy if you don't already know them?
Why do we trust people with money more than people without money?
Do actor/sports star/celebrity endorsements work? Then why do corporations spend millions on them?