Tuesday, 5/31/11 (12)
Copy homework into assignment book.

Research is due tomorrow.
Paper Layout.
Introduction and conclusion count toward your 5 pages. Title page, works cited, pictures, and table of contents do not.

Research Paper Grading Scale:
Content:   /100
Writing/Editing/Organization:    /100
Citations/Use of Sources/Works Cited:    /30
Formatting/Requirements:    /20
Total:    /250


  1. I have T at my start, I have T at my end.

  2. I have T in my middle,
    And it comes through my bend.
    What am I?
  3. I have 7 letters. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

  4. Letters 1-2-6-3-5-4-7 mean the thickness of something. Letters 7-2-4-5 mean a legendary large, hairy creature that is said to inhabit the Himalayas. Letters 7-2-3 mean something that is said to show approval, which you wouldn't be saying if you were trying to 1-2-6-7 something.  Letters 4-5-2-1 mean that everything is equal.
    What is the 7-letter word?
  5. I have no voice, yet I speak to you; I tell of all things in the world that people do.

  6. I have leaves, but I am not a tree.
    I have a spine and hinges, but I am not a man or a door;
    I have told you all, I cannot tell you more.
    What am I?
  7. Fill in the blanks below with a word that means the same as the word on the left when read normally, and fits the definition on the right when read backwards.


Seventh Grade:
Final Exam Part I: due Friday.

"The Third Expedition"

Eighth Grade:
Final Exam Part I: due Friday.

"We Alone"  p279

  1. Walker's point about the value of gold in the first sentence is...
  2. What does she mean by the line "wherever there is gold there is a chain"?
The Million Pound Bank Note  (p264-green)
How do you decide whether someone is trustworthy if you don't already know them?
Why do we trust people with money more than people without money?
Do actor/sports star/celebrity endorsements work? Then why do corporations spend millions on them?

Divvy Up Roles...