Tuesday, 10/5/10 - Seventh Grade
Spelling Pretest #3: Homophones.
  1. building : __________ :: city : _________  a) capitol/capitol  b) capital/capitol  c) capitol/capital  d) capitol/capitle
  2. group : ________ :: center : _________ a) corpse/core  b) core/corpse  c) corps/corp  d) corps/core
  3. nugget : ________ :: rank : ________  a) cernel/kernel  b) colonel/kernel  c) kernel/kernal d) kernel/colonel
  4. advise : ________ :: committee : ________ a) councel/council  b) counsel/council  c) council/counsel  d) counsil/council
  5. bundle : ________ :: get the water out : ________   a) bail/bale  b) bale/baile  c) bale/bail  d) baile/bale
  6. inactive : ________ :: hero : ________ a) idole/idol  b) idel/idol  c) idle/idol  d) idol/idle
  7. Cheerios : ________ :: #25489 : ________  a) serial/cereal  b) cereal/cerial  c) cerial/serial  d) cereal/serial
  8. say a nice thing : ________ :: match up well : ________  a) compliment/complement  b) complement/complament  c) complement/compliment  d) complament/compliment
  9. administrator : ________ :: belief : ________  a) princapal/princaple  b) principal/principle  c) principle/principal  d) prinsipal/prinsiple
  10. who is : ________ :: who owns : ________  a) whose/who's  b) who's/whose  c) who'se/who's  d) who's/whos'
  11. steep : ________ :: cut ________  a) shear/sheare  b) shear/sheer  c) sheere/shear  d) sheer/shear
  12. it is : _______ :: it owns : _________  a) it's/its  b) its'/its  c) it's/its'
  13. they own : ___________ :: location : ____________  a) their/they're  b) there/their  c) their/there  d) they're/there

Pink Sheet: Commas.
Comma Rules:
*Before the but
*Three in a row
*Double adjective
*I'm talking to you

Match each rule with an example from the top part of the sheet. Write the rule next to the example on the sheet.

Pair up. Do p193.
Bonus Questions:

  • Which sentence on p193 contains an example of an appositive? (Check the pink sheet.) Copy the part of the sentence that is an appositive.
  • Which sentence on p193 contain an example of "words that interrupt the flow of thought"? Copy just the interrupting words from the sentence.

  • (2) Which sentences on p193 contain an example of "nouns of direct address"? Copy the nouns.
    Click in answers to 1-10

    The Outsiders.

    Tuesday, 10/5/10 - Eighth Grade
    Spelling Pretest #3: Homophones

    1. notes : __________ ::  wire : ______   a) cord/ chord  b) cored/chorde  c) chord/cord  d) cored/chord
    2. voices in a choir : _____ ::  skeleton of an underwater creature : ________  a) choral/coral  b) coral/choral  c) corale/choral  d) chora/corale
    3. percussion : ____ ::  metaphor : _____  a) simbal/cimbal  b) symbal/cymbal  c) cymbal/symbal  d) cymbal/symbol
    4. between rows : _________ ::  surrounded by water : _________  a) I'll/isle  b) isle/aisle  c) aisle/isle  d) ile/isle
    5. rising : ______ :: agreement : _______  a) assent/ascent  b) ascent/assent  c) assent/assent  d) ascente/assent
    6. unmoving : ____ :: paper : _______  a) stationery/stationary  b) stationary/stationery
    7. location :_____ :: give credit : ___________  a) sight/site  b) site/sight  c) sight/cite  d) site/cite
    8. cover the neighborhood : ______  :: heavy cotton fabric : _____  a) canvas/canvass  b) canvass/canvas  c) cannvass/cannvas  d) canevas/canvas
    9. stage : _________ :: upset : _________  a) phase/faze  b) faze/phase  c) phaze/faze  d) phase/phaze
    10. decline : _____ :: disagreement : _____  a) decent/dissent  b) descent/decent  c) descent/dissent  d) dissent/descent
    11. weight of a diamond : ______ :: proofreading mark : _____  a) carrot/carat  b) carat/carret  c) caret/carat  d) carat/caret
    12. blister : ______ :: unfeeling : ________  a) callus/callous  b) callous/callus  c) callouse/callus  d) callouse/callous
    13. healthy : ___ :: greet/honor : ____  a) hale/haile  b) hail/hale  c) hail/haile  d) hale/hail

    Technical Writing Assignment.

    Parallel Structure.
