Friday, 10/15/10
Prepare sheet for Test #7. Please record pink sheet score and all warm up scores.
Mental Floss
  1. What is the longest sentence in the world?
  2. How can you make the following equation correct without changing it at all?   8 + 8 = 91
  3. What is the longest word that can be spelled with only three letters?  (Alert: Science.)
  4. How can you add 2 to 11 and get 1 as the correct answer?
  5. How many numbers are there on a standard die?
  6. Add one straight line to make this statement true:     20 10 5 = 4:40   (No, you can't make a not equal sign.)
Test #7 -  7th grade
Test #7 -  8th grade

Doodle theme:  Freedom