2a. The coffee’s taste is bitter.
2b. It is acidic.
2c. It is faintly soapy.
3a. She takes extra care.
3b. She tries not to spill the coffee.
3c. The coffee is in the saucer.
4a. She is afraid of something.
4b. It might eat holes in her clothes.
Bonus: Why is this ironic?
Click in your answers for Test #7. Correct/Go
Copy homework into assignment book.
Sentence Combining Intro. SC homework is due on Thursday on a separate
Combine each group of short, choppy sentences into one smooth-sounding
sentence. Write all four as a paragraph.
1a. A young woman sits alone.
1b. She sips from her coffee cup.
1c. It is shaped like a ducky.
1d. It is chipped along the rim.
2a. The coffee’s taste is bitter.
2b. It is acidic.
2c. It is faintly soapy.
3a. She takes extra care.
3b. She tries not to spill the coffee.
3c. The coffee is in the saucer.
4a. She is afraid of something.
4b. It might eat holes in her clothes.
Bonus: Why is this ironic?
Click in your answers for Test #7. Correct/Go over