Tuesday, 10/19/10 -- SEVENTH GRADE
Spelling Pretest #4 - in notebook.
  1. The ballay seems to be the most difficult form of dance.
  2. Will you teach me your painting techniche?
  3. The long hike left us weak with fatigue.
  4. The young actor was nervous about his dabue.
  5. She is too tall to be called pettite.
  6. An amature boxer does not compete for money.
  7. The bride carried a beautiful boukay of  flowers.
  8. A massaj will relax those tight mussels.
  9. His anteak chair is hundreds of years old.
  10. His directions were so vaige --"Go for a little bit, untill you see a tree..."--that we got lost.
  11. Please sit still while I finish your portait.
  12. The bus crawled along the crowded boulavard.
  13. Heavy rains filled the reservoires, like Lake Nacimiento.
  14. The storm blew debris all over the yard.
  15. The dress bouteke is having a sale.
  16. The view from the plateau is splendid.
  17. I have a coupon for a $1.99 pizza.
  18. The train leaves the deepoe at noon.
  19. Our names were engraved on the plack by the door.
  20. Ponyboy had experienced too much to be called innocent or nieve.
  21. The criminal's actions were caught by the store surviellance camera.
  22. It was just a routine day nothing special hapenned.
  23. The singing ensemble made beautiful music.
  24. The road construction created a detoure.

Pink Sheet p16: Kinds of sentences. Read/Do w/partner.
ALSO: Underline the subject of the sentence!
Bonus: What is the subject of an imperative sentence?
Where is the subject of a question?


"Perfect" papers. There is a multiplier of .5 on this grade.
Save this sheet. If you scored less than 30, you MUST turn the next one in early for me to preread.

The Outsiders. Open Mouth Quiz on Chapter 7. Test 7 is now only worth 26 points.

  1. Why do the Curtises leave their front door unlocked? a) In case Pony forgets his key.  b) Because it's a safe neighborhood.  c) In case one of the boys needs a place to calm down.  d) Because Darry's so big. e) Because nobody messes with the greasers in their own neighborhood.
  2. What sort of "legal trouble" does Johnny face for the "Bob incident"?  a) They're charging him with murder.   b) They're charging him with manslaughter.  c) He has to appear in court for running away from home. d) b and c.  e) They're letting him off because he's a hero.
  3. What sort of "legal trouble" does  Pony face for the "Bob incident"? a) They're charging him with manslaughter.  b) He has to appear in court for running away from home.  c) They're charging him for not reporting the crime.  d) b and c.  e) They're letting him off for being a hero.
  4. Pony's nightmares started... a) When his parents died.  b) The night of his parents' funeral.  c) When Darry started being hard on him.  d) After he got jumped in Chapter 1.  e) After Johnny got jumped.
  5. Why was Darry so upset when Steve referred to him as "all brawn and no brain"? a) Darry still regrets not going to college.  b) Steve's such a jerk.  c) Darry thought he was smarter even than Ponyboy.  d) He knew it was true.  e) None of the above.
  6. What reason does Ponyboy give Randy for going into the church to save the kids?  a) He says he doesn't really know.  b) He thought it would get him off easy for the incident in the park.  c) He felt guilty for starting the fire.  d) He liked all the publicity. e) He thought it would be kind of fun..
  7. What does Randy say Bob wanted from his parents that he never got? a) Money.  b) To spoil him rotten.  c) To help him with his troubles.  d) To tell him no.  e) All of the above.
  8. How is Bob like Johnny? a) Johnny is dying and Bob is dead.  b) They hated each other. c) They both needed their parents to pay attention to them.  d) They both were good at fighting. e) They're not alike at all.
  9. "Greaser didn't have anything to do with it...It's the individual." (p115) Pony means... a) most Socs wouldn't have gone in to save the kids. b) most greasers wouldn't have gone in to save the kids.  c) you can't tell everything about a person by the group he's a part of. d) only he and Johnny would have done something like that. e) All of the above.
  10. When does Pony finally realize Cherry was right when she said, "Things are rough all over"?  a) When Randy tells him about Bob's parents  b) When Randy invites him to talk in his car.  c) When he reads the newspaper articles  d) After Randy explains why he won't show at the rumble.  e) When Two-Bit agrees with her.

Tuesday, 10/19/10 - EIGHTH GRADE
Spelling Pretest #4 - in notebook

  1. I am on the intramurel basketball team.
  2. The interstate highway system connects the country.
  3. Who is going to superviese your project?
  4. He was called for pass interfearence.
  5. Try to intersept the pass!
  6. Will sugar counteract a strong, salty taste?
  7. The intermedeite class is not for beginers.
  8. Making counterfit money is illegal.
  9. His cuts were just superfishal wounds.
  10. A paw is a counterpart of a foot.
  11. Her intervention was a success; it ended the conflict.
  12. Two major streets meet at that intersextion.
  13. These parts are interchangable with those.
  14. The superintendant oversees all the schools.
  15. Could you interprit the meaning of this poem?
  16. Due to his injuries, he needed intervenious feeding.
  17. Many people have the superstition that 13 is unlicky.
  18. The movie will be shown without commercial interuption.
  19. The two detectives tried to interogate the suspect.
  20. Interspurse your essay with good quotes.
  21. CIF stands for California Interschalastic Federation.
  22. Wow is an example of an interjection.
Pink Sheet p202 - Semicolons and Colons. Read/Do w/partner